
U.S. middle school students visit Palace Museum, Great Wall(1/5)

2024-06-12 09:55:01 Editor:Wu Xinru

A study tour group of teachers and students from Iowa, the U.S. visit the Palace Museum in Beijing on June 11. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

A study tour group of teachers and students from Iowa, the U.S. visit the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing on June 11. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

Students take photos with a Chinese tourist at the Palace Museum. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

Students buy ice cream at the Forbidden City with electronic payments. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

A study tour group of teachers and students from Iowa, the U.S. visit the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing on June 11. (Photo: China News Service/ Jiang Qiming)

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