
Insights | Tunisian official: my daughter gives me a shopping list before trip to China

2024-05-26 Editor: Peng Dawei ECNS App Download

An African delegation of government representatives took part in a training session in urban planning and infrastructure at Beijing Jiaotong University upon invitation. "These training sessions are very effective in bringing the African nations and China closer together," said delegate Zohra Makhlouf, sub-director in the General Directorate of Territorial Planning of the Tunisian Ministry of Equipment and Housing in an exclusive interview with China News Network. "Urban planning is the way to development", Makhlouf added.

She shared her excitement about the China trip and some photos of Chinese merchandise her daughter asked her to purchase. "I like that countries have their identities. We are different but we have some similarities," said Makhlouf. (Lin Zhuowei)


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