
Hubei Three Gorges Immigration Museum opens to public(1/4)

2024-06-12 11:15:19 Editor:Wu Xinru

Hubei Three Gorges Immigration Museum in Zigui, Hubei Province, opens to the public on June 11, 2024. (Photo: China News Service/ Zheng Jiayu)

Facing the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River and covering 13,000 square meters, it is the first history museum themed on the Three Gorges immigration project and local natural landscape in Hubei.

Photo taken on June 11, 2024 shows tourists are entering the Three Gorges Immigration Museum in Zigui, Hubei Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zheng Jiayu)

Tourists are visiting the interior exhibition hall of the Museum in Zigui, Hubei Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zheng Jiayu)

A tourist is taking a photo in the interior exhibition hall of the Museum in Zigui, Hubei Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zheng Jiayu)

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