
Offshore wind farm connected to grid for power generation(1/3)

2024-06-29 01:36:56 Editor:Li Yan

Aerial view of "Guoneng Sharing" wind farm, the world's first integrated design combining deep-sea floating wind power and aquaculture in Putian, east China's Fujian Province, June 28, 2024. (Photo provided to China News Service)

The offshore wind power facility was put into operation in Fujian province on Friday. With a new energy digital platform, the project is the first to achieve integrated monitoring of "floating wind power + deep-sea aquaculture", enabling remote monitoring and unattended operation.

Aerial view of "Guoneng Sharing" wind farm, the world's first integrated design combining deep-sea floating wind power and aquaculture in Putian, east China's Fujian Province, June 28, 2024. (Photo provided to China News Service)

Aerial view of "Guoneng Sharing" wind farm, the world's first integrated design combining deep-sea floating wind power and aquaculture in Putian, east China's Fujian Province, June 28, 2024. (Photo provided to China News Service)

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