
China reviews industry players applications for EU dairy products

2024-06-21 Editor: Li Yan ECNS App Download

China is reviewing applications from domestic industry players seeking anti-subsidy probe into European Union's dairy products, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.

Regarding the possibility of China launching a countervailing probe into EU's dairy products, He Yadong, a spokesperson of the ministry, said during a news briefing in Beijing that the ministry "has paid attention to the demand from the domestic industry".

"According to relevant laws and regulations in China and the rules of the WTO, domestic industries have the right to file investigation applications to maintain normal market competition order and their legitimate rights," He said.

He added that for applications filed by domestic industries, the probing authority would conduct review in accordance with relevant laws. If conditions are met, the investigating authority would initiate the filing process, disclose and publish results to the public accordingly.

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