
Helicopter rescues seven villagers stranded by floods in Meizhou

2024-06-20 Editor: Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Guo Dong'e repeatedly expressed her gratitude to rescuers after being carried to a helicopter in Shangtian village in Jiaoling county of Meizhou, Guangdong province, on Wednesday afternoon.

The 99-year-old villager who has high blood pressure was immediately sent to the hospital upon arrival. Guo has now been discharged from hospital after receiving treatment, according to a report by Nanfang Daily.

He Xiaoqing, Guo's son, said he found hope when he saw the rescue team coming. He worried about his mother's health while waiting for rescue for three days. He and his family relied on their stored noodles to maintain their basic needs.

"All the land transport links to the village have been interrupted, and we were trapped from Sunday to Wednesday with water and electricity supplies," he said, adding that he had to walk to fetch water from the places with working sources.

A helicopter rescued Guo and He, along with five other villagers, who were stranded by the floods. The others who were rescued included a three-year-old child and a villager with injured feet, the report said.

In a heartwarming display of community support, Keram Amir, a restaurant owner in Meizhou who comes from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, took it upon himself to cook and distribute 1,000 nang, a type of crusty pancake, to the flood victims in Pingyuan county. Working overnight with two of his staff, Keram's selfless act of kindness is a shining example of the community's resilience and unity in the face of disaster.

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