
Insights | Tunisian president's China visit holds significant potential: Tunisian official(1/2)

2024-05-29 19:28:56 Editor :Liu Yimeng

(ECNS) -- Tunisian President Kais Saied's state visit to China holds significant potential for strengthening bilateral relations between Tunisia and China, said Anouar Chetoui, Chief Representative for the Tunisian Tourism Office in China.

"I expect this visit to focus on enhancing economic cooperation, particularly in trade, infrastructure development, and investment opportunities," he said.

With China's Belt and Road Initiative, Chetoui believed that Tunisia could benefit from increased infrastructure projects and technological exchanges. Additionally, the visit may lead to closer collaboration in areas such as education, tourism, and cultural exchange, further solidifying the partnership.

Overall, this visit could mark a pivotal step in deepening ties and fostering mutual growth and development for both nations, he added.

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