
Roundtable held during China-U.S. Youth Exchange Week in Kuliang, Fuzhou(1/3)

2024-06-26 14:26:25 Editor :Wu Xinru

A roundtable is held during "Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival" on June 25 in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Bin)

Kuliang (Guling) is located north of Gushan in the suburbs of Fuzhou. More than 100 years ago, foreigners residing in the city came to the place to escape the summer heat. They built schools, hospitals, postal offices and the Kuliang Club. They lived harmoniously with local villagers, creating the enduring Kuliang story that has been passed down to this day.

A roundtable is held during "Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival" on June 25 in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Bin)

A roundtable is held during "Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival" on June 25 in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province. (Photo: China News Service/ Zhang Bin)

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