
Insights丨Argentine scholar: China a sure and strong partner for Latin American countries

2024-06-26 ECNS App Download

President Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra of the Republic of Peru will pay a state visit to China from June 25 to 29. During an interview with China News Network, Santiago Bustelo, former Advisor on the Cooperation Agenda with China at the Ministry of Productive Development of Argentina, stressed the promising future of China-LAC relationship and noted that China is a sure and strong partner for LAC countries under the current global situation.

Bustelo highlighted China's leading position in areas including new energy sector with the example of Latin America's largest solar plant built by China in the northern Argentine province of Jujuy.

"The new energies will be one of the main growth vectors for the 21st century," said Bustelo, "China is a very strong industrial and technological leader in this area, while Latin America needs this type of technology and has the resources to support the energy transition."


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