Macao - City of Gastronomy
UNESCO - Member of Creative Cities Network
Về Macao Về Macao Sobre
History Lịch sử Lịch sử História

Fishermen from Fu gian and farmers from Guangdong were the first known settlers in Macao, when it was known as Ou Mun, or “trading gate”, because of its location at the mouth of the Pearl River downstream from Guangzhou (Canton). During ancient times port city was part of the Silk Road with ships loading here with silk for Rome.

Even after China ceased to be a world trade centre, Guangzhou prospered from seaborne business with the countries of Southeast Asia, so the local entrepreneurs welcomed the arrival of Portuguese merchant-explorers. They followed in the wake of Jorge Alvares, who landed in southern China in 1513, and set about finding suitable trading posts.

In the early 1550s the Portuguese reached Ou Mun, which the locals also called A Ma Gao, “place of A Ma”, in honor of the Goddess of Seafarers, whose temple stood at the entrance to the sheltered Inner Harbor. The Portuguese adopted the name, which gradually changes into the name Macao, and with the permission of Guangdong’s mandarins, established a city that within a short time had become a major entrepot for trade between China, Japan, India and Europe.

Macao trước kia là cái làng chài nhỏ, nàng tên thật vì hào kính hoặc hào kính úc, bởi vì lúc ấy đậu khẩu nhưng xưng là “Úc”. Macao và phụ cận thừa thãi hàu ( tức con hào ), hàu xác vách trong ánh sáng như gương, Macao bởi vậy được xưng là hàu kính. Hậu nhân đem cái này tên sửa vì so văn nhã “Hào kính”. Thanh Càn Long trong năm xuất bản 《 Macao kỷ lược 》 trung nói: “Hào kính chi danh, với 《 minh sử 》. Đồ vật năm sáu, nam bắc nửa chi, có nam bắc nhị loan, có thể đậu thuyền. Có người nói rằng nam bắc nhị loan, quy viên như gương, cố rằng hào kính.” Từ cái này tên trung, lại nghĩa rộng ra hào giang, hải kính, Kính Hải chờ liên tiếp Macao biệt danh.

Macao tên nguyên với ngư dân phi thường kính ngưỡng một vị Trung Quốc nữ thần - thiên hậu, nàng lại danh nương mẹ. Nghe nói, một con thuyền thuyền đánh cá ở thời tiết sáng sủa, gió êm sóng lặng nhật tử đi, đột ngộ cuồng phong sấm chớp mưa bão, ngư dân bị vây nguy nan. Trong lúc nguy cấp, một vị thiếu nữ đứng dậy, hạ lệnh gió lốc đình chỉ. Phong thế nhưng ngừng, biển rộng cũng khôi phục bình tĩnh, thuyền đánh cá bình an mà tới hải kính cảng. Sau khi lên bờ, thiếu nữ triều mẹ các sơn đi đến, bỗng nhiên một vòng quang hoàn chiếu rọi, thiếu nữ hóa làm một sợi khói nhẹ. Sau lại, mọi người ở nàng lên bờ địa phương, kiến một tòa miếu thờ cung phụng vị này nương mẹ.

It also became the perfect crossroad for the meeting of East and West cultures. The Roman Catholic church sent some of its greatest missionaries to continue the work of St Francis Xavier, (who died nearby after making many converts in Japan). A Christian college was built, beside what is now today’s Ruins of St Paul’s, where students such as Matteo Ricci prepared for their work as Christian scholars at the Imperial Court in Beijing. Other churches were built, as well as fortresses, which gave the city an historical European appearance that distinguishes it to this day.

Portugal’s golden age in Asia faded as rivals like the Dutch and British took over their trade. However the Chinese chose to continue to do business through the Portuguese in Macao, so for over a century the British East India Company and others set up shop here in rented houses like the elegant Casa Garden. As Europe’s trade with China grew, the European merchants spent part of the year in Guangzhou, buying tea and Chinese luxuries at the bi-annual fairs, using Macao as a recreational retreat.

Following the Opium War in 1841, Hong Kong was established by Britain and most of the foreign merchants left Macao, which became a quaint, quiet backwater. Nevertheless it has continued to enjoy a leisurely multicultural existence and make daily, practical use of its historical buildings, in the process becoming a favorite stopover for international travelers, writers and artists.

Mười sáu thế kỷ trung kỳ, nhóm đầu tiên người Bồ Đào Nha để úc khi, dò hỏi cư dân địa phương tên, cư dân nghĩ lầm chỉ miếu thờ, đáp xưng “Mẹ các”. Người Bồ Đào Nha lấy này âm mà dịch thành “MACAU”, trở thành Macao bồ văn tên ngọn nguồn. Ở phía sau tới hơn bốn trăm năm thời gian, đồ vật văn hóa vẫn luôn tại nơi đây lẫn nhau giao hòa, để lại rất nhiều lịch sử văn hóa di sản, sử Macao trở thành một cái độc đáo thành thị.

Macao has developed in the past industries such as textiles, electronics and toys, while today has built up world class tourism industry with a wide choice of hotels, resorts, MICE facilities, restaurants and casinos.

Today Macao is a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, and, like Hong Kong, benefits from the principle of “one country, two systems”. The tiny SAR is growing in size - with more buildings on reclaimed land - and in the number and diversity of its attractions. The greatest of these continues to be Macao’s unique society, with communities from the East and West complementing each other, and the many people who come to visit.

Tự 1999 năm 12 nguyệt 20 ngày khởi, Macao trở thành Trung Hoa nhân dân nước cộng hoà một cái đặc biệt khu hành chính. Ở “Một quốc gia hai chế” chính sách dưới sự chỉ dẫn, Macao thực hành độ cao tự trị, được hưởng hành chính quyền quản lý, lập pháp quyền, độc lập tư pháp quyền cùng chung thẩm quyền, mà Macao xã hội cùng kinh tế phương diện đặc sắc sẽ ban cho giữ lại cũng có thể kéo dài.

Macao diện tích rất nhỏ, là trên thế giới dân cư nhất đông đúc địa phương chi nhất, cũng là Châu Á người đều thu vào tương đối cao khu vực.

Macao là một cái quốc tế hóa đô thị, mấy trăm năm qua, vẫn luôn là Trung Quốc và Phương Tây văn hóa dung hòa cùng tồn tại địa phương.

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Macao’s total population was estimated to be 672,800 at the end of 2022.


Total land area of the Macao Special Administrative Region was 33.3 square kilometres in 2022. The Macao peninsula accounts for 9.3 square kilometres (28.0 percent) of the current area; Taipa island for 7.9 square kilometres (23.7 percent); Coloane island for 7.6 square kilometres (22.8 percent); COTAI Reclamation Area for 6.1 square kilometres (18.3 percent); New Urban Zone Area A for 1.4 square kilometres (4.2 percent); New Urban Zone Area C for 0.3 square kilometres (0.9 percent); Macao border crossing area on Zhuhai-Macao checkpoint on the Artificial Island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge for 0.7 kilometres (2.1 percent).


Macao is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.


Macao is situated in a subtropical zone, with the Asian continent to the north and a wide tropical sea to the south. In winter, Macao experiences northerly winds, cold and dry weather and low rainfall, due to a cold continental high-pressure system at medium and high latitudes. In summer, Macao is mainly subject to south-westerly winds, hot and wet weather and heavy rainfall, due to the influence of oceanic tropical weather systems. The reverse of wind directions in winter and summer, together with minimal temperature variations during the day, give Macao a marine monsoon climate.

Macao has an average annual temperature of 22.6ºC. The coolest month is January, when it averages 15.1ºC. Most years, Macao has a short cold weather period when temperatures fall below 5ºC. The average monthly temperature exceeds 22ºC during seven months of the year, indicating that Macao has a short winter but a long summer.

Macao is frequently hit by typhoons. The typhoon season starts in May and ends in October, with July to September as its peak period.


Chinese and Portuguese are the official languages, Cantonese being most widely spoken. The official languages are used in government departments in all official documents and communications. English is generally used in trade, tourism and commerce.

Political System

Macao became a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China on 20 December 1999. Its constitutional document, the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR), also came into force on the same day.

The Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region stipulates the system to be practiced in Macao, and lays down the political and administrative framework of the MSAR for 50 years from 1999.

The systems and policies of the MSAR – including its social and economic systems; safeguards for the fundamental rights and freedoms of its residents; the executive, legislature and judiciary; and Government policies – are all based on the provisions of the Basic Law.

Under the Basic Law, the MSAR is entitled to a high degree of autonomy in all areas except defense and foreign affairs. It enjoys executive autonomy, legislative autonomy, an independent judiciary and the right to final adjudication. The MSAR maintains the status of free port and independent tariff region. It also maintains the free flow of capital and the freedom of operations of financial institutions. It may, under the name “Macao, China”, independently maintain, develop relations with and sign agreements with various countries, regions and international organizations in fields such as the economy, trade, finance, transportation, communications, tourism, culture and sports.

The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region is the executive authority of the MSAR. The Chief Executive is the head of the Government, and general secretariats, directorates of services, departments and divisions are established in the MSAR Government.


Although Macao has a relatively small economy, it pursues an open economic policy. It is one of the two international free ports in China. Goods, capital, foreign exchange and people flow freely in and out of Macao. As a separate customs territory, it boasts one of the lowest tax regimes in the region. Macao is integrated with the global economy and maintains traditional and special economic ties with the European Union (EU) and Portuguese-speaking countries. Consequently, Macao plays a relatively important role in the regional economies and is an important gateway and bridge linking mainland China with international markets.

Following the transformation of both internal and external economic environments, the four pillars of Macao’s economy – manufacturing; tourism and gaming; banking and finance; and construction and real estate – have seen remarkable changes in terms of their shares of local GDP. Recently, the contribution to Macao’s GDP of the tourism and gaming industry has overtaken the combined total of the other three industries.

At the end of 2022, the total asset value of the fiscal reserve, including the central budget balance for 2020 transferred early in the year, was 558 billion patacas, representing a decrease of 85.2 billion patacas over the same period in 2021. The year-end balance of foreign exchange reserves in 2022 decreased by 2.6 percent over 2021, amounting to 208.6 billion patacas.

External Relations

As a non-sovereign special administrative region, Macao enjoys wide-ranging and close relationships with most countries and regions throughout the world. Macao participates in various international organizations and multilateral treaties. This helps it to maintain its unique position in the world and to develop external relations in areas such as economics, trade, finance, aviation, transportation, culture, education, environmental protection and health.

Labor and Employment

In 2022, the annual unemployment rate was 3.7 percent, while the unemployment rate among local residents was 4.8 percent, representing year-on-year increases of 0.8 and 0.9 percentage points, respectively.

In 2022, Macao’s employed population decreased by 3.63 percent over the previous year, and totalled 364,700, of whom 48.12 percent were male and 51.88 percent were female. Broken down by industries, the working population was mainly engaged in recreational, cultural, gaming and other services (22.1 percent); hotels, restaurants and similar activities (12.4 percent); construction (8.28 percent); real estate and business and services (9.02 percent) and wholesale and retail (12.7 percent).

In 2022, the median monthly earning of Macao’s employed population was 15,000 patacas, representing a year-on-year decrease of 800 patacas, while that of local residents was 19,000 patacas, which was 1,000 patacas less year on year. At the end of December 2022, Macao had 154,912 non-resident workers, representing a decrease of 9.5 percent compared with the figure in 2021.

Historic City of Macao

Comprising over 20 monuments and urban squares interwoven in the heart of the city, the historic district is collectively known as “The Historic Centre of Macao” and inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2005. It stands today as a living testimony to the integration and co-existence of eastern and western cultures over a unique chapter in history. Leisurely explore the Historic Centre of Macao, one will discover various magnificent heritages and unveil their wonderful stories!

For more information on each of the monuments, please browseMacao Government Tourism Office website.

Intangible Cultural Heritage

As a place of meeting of cultures, Macao has rich and diversified popular customs. For over four centuries, Chinese and Western cultures have taken root and grown here together, creating the unique cultural landscape and precious intangible cultural heritage of Macao.

Intangible Cultural Heritage refers to the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge and skills as well as the related instruments, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces that are considered component parts of cultural heritage by communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals. Intangible cultural heritage includes oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts.

As of June 2020, a total of 70 items in Macao have been recorded on the Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage, with 12 items inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. At present, there are a total of 11 items of Macao inscribed on the Representative List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage, including: Cantonese Opera, Herbal Tea Brewing, Woodwork - Religious Figure Carving, Cantonese Naamyam (Narrative Songs), Taoist Ritual Music, Festival of the Drunken Dragon, Belief and Customs of A-Ma, Belief and Customs of Na Tcha, Macanese Gastronomy, Patuá Theatre and Belief and Customs of Tou Tei.

For more information, please visit theMacao Cultural Heritage website.

Source: Macao Yearbook 2023

Culture Văn hóa Văn hóa Cultura
Facilities Phương tiện Phương tiện Facilidades

Anim’Arte NAM VAN

Anim’Arte NAM VAN is a newly developed open space with a distinct character combining creativity, leisure and dining. The project aims to provide residents and tourists with diverse experience, thereby enhancing Macao’s cultural and creativity offerings.

Nestled on the pristine Nam Van Lake waterfront along the Praia Grande promenade, the space is one of the city’s most recently established family attractions featuring arts pavilion, indoor crafts and book market, cultural and creative shops, IFT Café, weekend craft market, graffiti display area and much more. Water bicycling translates into fun on the lake along with myriad weekend activities, while a smorgasbord of performances lend a great creative buzz to this increasingly popular chill zone.

This facility is jointly managed by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Sports Bureau, the Macao Government Tourism Office and Institute for Tourism Studies.

Macao Tea Culture House

The Macao Tea Culture House building was originally part of the present Lou Lim Ioc Garden. The building was later re-designed by renowned architect Carlos Alberto dos Santos Marreiros, based on the original western-style architecture. The building is in strong Portuguese style, but decorated with a Chinese tile roof, highlighting the east-meets-west character of Macao. The building itself is a piece of cultural art featuring European style and matches up oriental interior decoration. The Chinese horticulture in Lou Lim Ioc Garden together with the Macao Tea Culture House help to illustrate the historical role of Macao as a melting pot of Chinese and western cultures.

This cultural facility managed by the Cultural Affairs Bureau stages a variety of long and short-term exhibitions to demonstrate Macao’s tea culture and provide insight into Chinese and Western tea anecdote, as well as promote the tea knowledge worldwide and enhance the study of tea culture to the public and visitors alike.

Wine Museum

This 1,400 square-metre space is divided into historical, wine cellar and exhibitions areas, using maps, texts, photos, tiles and videos, among other things to relate the history of wine. The aim of each section is not only to provide information regarding wine and grapevines, but also to recreate the atmosphere of the production of wine, showing visitors modern and traditional tools connected to wine production.

One of the main targets of this museum is to bring visitors into contact with the social, economical and cultural importance of wine in Portuguese culture, traditions, daily life and celebratory rituals.

This cultural space houses around 1,143 different wine brands and in exposition (1,115 Portuguese and 28 Chinese). From the 1,115 Portuguese wine brands, there are 756 commercial wines and 359 special collection wines, and one of its most vintage Port wine dates back to 1815. The wine selection covers the different regions in Portugal and also presents examples of wine production in the People’s Republic of China. All varieties are accompanied by a short explanation.

The Wine Museum will be temporarily closed from July 2017 and be relocated to other area of Macao.

Portuguese-Speaking Countries Food Products Exhibition Centre

This Centre is organized by the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM), exhibiting over 1000 food products from the Portuguese-speaking countries, which provides product information, supports business to customer and business to business transactions. It is welcomed by many businessmen and trade agencies to participate as exhibitors showing food represented or supplied originated from Portuguese-speaking countries and enhance awareness of cuisine of relevant countries, including a variety of wines, canned foods, processed foods, spices, coffee, tea, milk, juices and other food products especially selected from Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and East Timor. It is a physical establishment reflecting Macao’s role as a “service platform for trade cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries” and provides residents, retailers and tourists with a facility where food and drink products from those countries can be found, allowing commercial establishments from China and the Portuguese-speaking countries to explore new business opportunities.

Cunha Bazaar

This four-storey shop at the corner of Taipa Village’s Rua do Cunha pedestrian walkway is a facility that combines gastronomy and arts. One can find traditional pastry like almond cakes and egg rolls as well as merchandise designed by local designers under one roof. The first floor is dedicated to goods bearing the image of a grumpy cartoon panda character who likes things typical in Macao. You may find the panda enjoying a scrumptious Portuguese egg tart or watching a trilling lap of the Macao Grand Prix in every corner of the floor. The remaining two floors are dedicated to leather goods, ceramics, clothing, stationery and much more by local designers.

Rua do Cunha

A relatively small pedestrian street of just five metres wide and stretching for about 115 metres long, fill with charming and colorful European architecture and pack with dozens of pastry and snacks shops, retail outlets and eateries.

The street is lined with street-side bakers making either freshly baked egg rolls or juicy meat jerky roasted to perfection. The aroma is simply irresistible. It is a common sight to see locals and visitors alike queuing at shops waiting for pastry fresh out of the oven. And for the eccentric type, one can give the rich durian ice cream a try that brings together the sweetness of the Southeast Asian king of fruits and the all-time favourite western dessert to create a new product. A few eateries can also be found along the way, offering Chinese, Macanese and Portuguese cuisines at your choice. For lighter meals, local home-style coffee shops as well as International chain coffeehouse are also available.

Rua do Cunha is quintessential of Macao, it is a unity of many cultural elements, some new and some nostalgic but somehow everything coexist in harmony.

Rotunda de Carlos da Maia

This lively district is known for its migrant community spirit, winding alleys and hubbub of activity. This area is truly a melting pot of cultures, encompasses a series of streets full of vendors and street food from different Southeast Asian ethic groups and it is a favorite place for locals to shop for food, groceries and daily household items.

Round the year, the Rotunda de Carlos da Maia outdoor plaza is the home of different cultural festivities. The most significant is the Myanmar Overseas Chinese Water Festival which celebrates the Myanmar New Year with blessed rice distribution, blessings parade, Myanmar and Southeast Asian Food Carnival, folk dance show and the fun-filled, water-splashing Water Festival Carnival.

Ruins of St. Paul’s area

The Ruins of St. Paul’s is Macao’s most iconic landmark. The streets surrounding the monument are equally special, winding through the town’s oldest commercial and residential area. The area overflows with aromas of delicious street foods and freshly baked pastries and houses numerous shops offering edible souvenirs, antique, electronics and souvenirs.

Among the array of foodstuff that can be found in this area, egg tarts, almond cookies, meat jerky, pork chop buns, black pepper pancakes are a few of the favorites snacks among locals and visitors.

Rua da Felicidade

Once the city’s main red-light district, the traditional red louvre shutters of this colourful street - literally named as ‘Street of Happiness’ - is a magnate for shoppers in search of the authentic and exotic, even serving as a striking backdrop for the blockbuster movies ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’ and “Now You See Me 2” as well as other films. It is also an ideal spot to savour authentic local delicacies, of which there are many. Stroll through the lanes of the old district by using the services of a guide and find out all about the area’s traditional industries and cultural transitions.

Wet Markets

Strolling through local wet markets is the best way to get connected culturally through food and the fresh local produce.

Entering the Red Market, which is inscribed in the Macao Cultural Heritage List as a building with architectural value and is a testimony to the city’s historical vicissitudes, has an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, poultries and fishes. There are also plenty of shops that sell assorted dried beans and fresh nuts in raw form. Also there are dried and preserved versions of tasty creatures of the sea too, from squid to octopus and of course the well-known dried fish. Wander off further to the Inner Harbour where the Patane Market is located, fishermen are seen off-loading their freshest catch early each morning. Early birds often get their hands on the best seafood here in this seafood market. S. Domingos Market and Iao Hong Market are similar type of wet markets, but what is unique about them is they not only carries fresh produced but also there is an entire floor of the market dedicate in selling cooked food where locals and visitors can enjoy ready-made local foods at a very affordable price.

Festivities Tiết khánh hoạt động Tiết khánh hoạt động Festivais

Feast of Drunken Dragon

The Feast of the Drunken Dragon is a unique traditional festive event of the Macao Fresh Fish Traders, in which ‘longevity rice’ is gifted to the public and tourists at the square in front of Red Market, Iao Hon Market and in front of Sam Kai Vui Kun, to share blessings and happiness with everyone. The Drunken Dragon Parade starts at Senado Square, with floats traversing the environs of Hong Kung Temple, Red Market, Iao Hon Market, A-Ma Temple, Rua da Felicidade, and so forth, before returning to Senado Square. The unique Drunken Dragon dance which is also an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Macao is performed during the Parade. The performers dance with a wooden dragon stung with incenses as a ritual of blessing while the red-faced dancers, with drunken steps, spray liquor to the sky from time to time, but they can still dance gracefully.

Myanmar Overseas Chinese Water Festival

The Myanmar Overseas Chinese Water Festival organized by the Macau Association of Mutual Help of Myanmar Overseas Chinese features a photography exhibition, blessed rice distribution, parade, blessings parade, Myanmar and Southeast Asian Food Carnival, folk dance show and the fun-filled, water-splashing Water Festival Carnival, which celebrates the Myanmar New Year.

The popular Myanmar and Southeast Asian Food Carnival and Folk Dance Show take their place at the Rotunda de Carlos da Maia plaza and surrounding streets. These events are difficult to miss as the plaza and streets leading up to it are filled with cultural booths selling Southeast Asian delicacies savored by locals, migrants and visitors.

São João Festival

The São João Festival is a Portuguese catholic celebration in honor of St. John the Baptist for his heroic actions.

Today, it has become a cultural celebration welcome by people of different backgrounds and all walks of life. This annual 2-day event at the St Lazarus neighborhood with traditional delicacies and drinks are available from various booths set up around the neighborhood’s main street. Grilled sardines are one of the festival’s most popular dishes. Local bands also perform during the event alongside with booths selling hand-crafted jewelry and decorative items made by the local communities.

This festivity here in Macao is jointly organized by five local groups, namely the Macanese Association, House of Portugal (Casa de Portugal), Pensioners’ Association (APOMAC), Association for Macanese Education, the International Institute of Macau, and the Portuguese School of Macau. The Macau Foundation and the Tourist Office are also sponsoring the event.

Latin America Culture Festival

Organized by the Macao Association for the Promotion of Exchange between Asia-Pacific and Latin America (MAPEAL), the purpose of the Latin America Culture Festival is to bring cultures of Latin America closer to Macao. The Festival has three main components, namely the Latin America Gourmet Food Festival, the Latin American Film Festival and the Latin American Book Exhibition. All is done with the support of local government departments and the Group of Latin American Consulates General in Hong Kong and Macao. The 3-week cultural festival takes place annually, with the collaboration of other entities to create a cordial atmosphere for local residents, business people and visitors personal interaction with cuisines, films and books of Latin America.

Cuisines Macao mỹ thực Macao mỹ thực Gastronomia
Thổ rau xà lách
Thổ rau xà lách

Macanese cuisine is cooked with many ingredients that recall the unique history of Macao and its Portuguese maritime culture. During the 16thand 17thCentury, Portugal energetically established a sea route to the East, paving the way for merchants engaged in the spice trade in Africa, India and the coast of Malacca, bringing exotic spices and food cultures to Macao. In addition, many Portuguese married local Chinese in Macao and inhabitants from the above-mentioned regions. Thus, different foreign and Chinese ingredients and cooking styles were gradually incorporated into traditional Portuguese dishes cooked by Macanese families over the past centuries.

Based on Portuguese cuisine, these spices and ingredients from Africa, Southeast Asia and India - including curry, coconut milk, cloves and cinnamon - are combined using Chinese culinary skills in a wonderful potpourri of tastes and aromas, giving birth to the uniquely delicious Macanese cuisine of today. Signature dishes most famously include “Galinha à Africana” (African chicken) and Macanese Chilli Shrimps. Macanese Gastronomy was inscribed on the Macao Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2012 and the Representative List of National Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2021.

The Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme’s Star Merchant List

Trung Quốc đồ ăn Trung Quốc đồ ăn Comida

Macao features a wide variety of food from most Mainland provinces. Peking duck is the highlight of Peking cuisine, while steamed buns with minced pork filling, wontons and freshwater hairy crabs are renowned Shanghainese dishes. Lovers of spicy food can also enjoy signature Sichuan soups and hotpots in Macao.

When it comes to ‘Yum Cha’ (literally ‘drink tea’) devotees are spoilt for choice, with many hotels and restaurants in Macao serving a cornucopia of ‘Dim Sum’ specialties such as ‘Har Gau’ (steamed dumplings stuffed with shrimp), ‘Shiu Mai’ (steamed dumplings stuffed with pork and shrimp) and Tsun Guen (Fried rolls of shrimp and vegetables). Other famous Guangdong dishes include roasted meats, seafood and other delicate dishes. ‘Dim Sum’ is commonly accompanied by tea, particularly jasmine (‘Heong pin cha’) or red tea (‘Pou lei’).

The Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme’s Star Merchant List

Cuisines &
Quốc tế mỹ thực cập
Mặt khác
Quốc tế mỹ thực cập
Mặt khác
e outras

Macao is an excellent choice for sampling international cuisine. Major hotels and upscale malls offer a diverse array of cuisines, often featuring buffets, food court, Michelin star restaurants, and international dishes prepared by world-class chefs.

Macao offers Japanese cuisine, Korean barbecue, and specialties from the United States, France, Italy, India as well as from Southeast Asia. The Rua de Abreu Nunes – also known as ‘Thailand Street’ – houses many Thai restaurants. Curry, boiled fish, and Tom Yum Goong soup are just some of Thailand’s tantalizing cuisine choices on offer here. The Rotunda de Carlos da Maia (Three Lamps District) has become a magnet for a number of overseas Chinese from Myanmar over the years, who have brought the secrets of Myanmar cuisine to Macao with them, while Rua do Cunha in Taipa and Senado Square on the Macao Peninsula also enjoy a ‘Food Street’ reputation. Visitors can easily find a diversity of restaurants and eateries in streets and squares throughout this cosmopolitan city.

Some ‘must-try’ items are found in street stalls, with Pastéis de Nata (Portuguese egg tarts) and ‘pork chop buns’ established favorites of Hong Kong and Taiwanese visitors.

Rua de S. Paulo, Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro (popularly-known as ‘San Ma Lo’), Rua da Felicidade, Travessa do Auto Novo near Senado Square and Rua do Cunha in Taipa Village are the places to find local snacks, packed with shops selling Macao delicacies like almond cookies, egg rolls, peanut candies, roasted sliced meat and many other local specialties. Some of the snacks are cooked right in front of you – and all make excellent gifts for your nearest and dearest.

The Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme’s Star Merchant List


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Books &

Remark: All publications are stored at the library of UTM’s Macanese Cuisine Database Theme Corner.


Contributed by Henrique d’Assumpção. (Including recipes used to cook by Macanese families)

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Institute for Tourism Studies

The Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT), established in 1995, is a public institution of higher education in Macao which offers degree and professional programmes in a wide range of tourism-related disciplines such as hospitality, tourism business, heritage, events, retail and marketing, leisure and entertainment, sports and recreation, creative and cultural studies, and culinary arts. IFT also partners with 101 leading education institutions and tourism organizations from 30 countries and cities to deliver various programmes. It is an active member of UNWTO, IATA, PATA, APETIT, APTA, ATLAS, and Asian Academy for Heritage Management.

IFT ranks 2ndin Asia and 18thin the world on the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2017 for Hospitality and Leisure Management. It is the first institute in Macao to receive UNWTO TedQual certification. Currently, the Institute has the most number of bachelor degree programmes (8) certified in Macao under the System of any tertiary education establishment worldwide.

In 2002, IFT received the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Gold Award in “Education and Training”, for having set up the “Macao Occupational Skills Recognition System” (MORS) for the local tourism and hospitality industry in collaboration with the European Union (EU).

More information of Institute of Tourism Studies’ programmes

Macau University of Science and Technology Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Founded in 2000, the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) is a private university which offers multi-disciplinary degrees and programmes at doctoral, master and bachelor levels in Macao.

The Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management (FHTM), formerly known as Faculty of International Tourism, was established in 2003 by MUST. FHTM delivers a wide range of courses including hotel management, MICE management, gaming business management, cultural tourism management, e-tourism, service quality and retail management. It is an active member of leading professional organizations such as, UNWTO, PATA, APETIT and ATLAS. TedQual certification has been awarded by the World Tourism Organization to FHTM since 2007. FHTM has also received the Top 10 Hotel & Tourism Educational Institutions Award in 2008 and 2009.

More information of the Macau University of Science and Technology’s Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Extra curriculum activities at local schools

Macao cultivates interests in the gastronomy field from a young age. Pre-school, elementary and secondary schools offer cooking activities from basic preparation to creative food process, encouraging children to develop interest and creativity in culinary arts while fostering their knowledge of Macao’s food culture.

The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau also attaches great importance to the healthy development of children and teachers in schools. A series of health programmes such as “Fruit Sharing Day”, “Healthy Tuck Shop”, “Milk and Soy Milk Scheme” has been launched to support healthy diet education and eating habit of the children.

Chức nghiệp huấn luyện Chức nghiệp huấn luyện Formação

United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macao

The United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macau (hereafter refer to as UAFBMM) was founded in 1967. With support from members of the catering industry and all previous committees, UAFBMM has dedicated itself in unifying the entire catering industry, ensuring legitimate rights and interests of members. UAFBMM has been acknowledged by its members.

Since 2000, the “Macau Food Festival” has been held for consecutive 16 years and has been appreciated by residents and tourists. Since the end of 2008, the “The Funding Scheme for SME Old Diners” had been launched with support and sponsored by local government. The scheme is intended to provide all-around assistances and financial support to SMEs with rich traditional features and peculiarity of business, and to make endeavor to the conservation of local unique catering culture. The UAFBMM has provided on-job vocational training and certificate programmes for catering industry for 15 years in a row and more than 24,908 employees have participated with satisfactory outcomes as well as supports local chefs to participate in international contests and related events for higher career and skill achievements.

Confraria da Gastronomia Macaense (Macanese Gastronomic Association)

Founded in 2007, the Confraria da Gastronomia Macaense (CGM), also known as the Macanese Gastronomic Brotherhood in English, is a non-profit association in Macao that encourages dissemination of Macanese gastronomic heritage through recipes, traditional cooking techniques, research of old food houses, famous chefs, and evolution of dishes that affirm the aspiration of authenticity. Currently, the CGM has 160 members.

CGM joined the European Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods Council (CEUCO) in 2007 and become an active member in all its congresses and annual meetings since then. It received the Best European Enogastronomic Award in the XII International Congress of CEUCO held in 2014 at the city of Liège, Belgium, in view of its fundamental principles, among other reasons, the bonds of friendship that unites the region with numerous European cities, the interest in maintaining the ancestral customs in regional gastronomy, in the development of collaborative initiatives of exchange in cultural asset, as well as the innovation in culinary aspects maintaining the Macanese traditions to avoid its loss over time.

A more recent achievement that showcases the talent and artistry of Macao’s local chef, Mr. Carlos Cabral, when he receives the Best Chef’s Award during the XIV International Congress from CEUCO in 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal. It is also apparent that his publication of articles and books of an international character disseminating of Macanese customs and the enrichment of cultural values intrinsic to the region also play a very important role in the education and contribution to sustain the uniqueness of Macanese cuisine and gastronomic traditions.

Macau Cuisine Association

Macau Cuisine Association is a non-profit association newly established in Macao in 2016. It unites professional chefs to exchange culinary innovation and knowledge, strengthens culinary culture by exploring different theories by way of improving technical skills and providing servicing guidance of the industry, sharing of management experience, and participating in competitions or display contests. There are currently 500 members within MCA including Chinese, Western, Japanese and Korean chefs and management personnel, as well as investors from mega franchise companies.

Macao Federation of Trade Unions

Macao Federation of Trade Unions is one of the biggest associations formally established in 1950. Its history and formation can be traced back to around 1840 which witnessed the growth of trade unions in Macao. The Federation established the Catering Services and Culinary Training Centre in 2004, providing vocational training to residents and catering workers, and nurturing professional skills and competitiveness of local chefs by offering national certificate programmes.

Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises of Catering

Association of Macau Small and Medium Enterprises of Catering was established in 2008. It has now 80 members who are mostly investors of the small and medium sized enterprises in Macao. The Association aims to promote local food culture and work together with the industry to raise awareness and create synergy for local food branding. In order to improve competitiveness of the industry, the Association also provides training and exchange opportunities for its members at home and abroad.

“Sam Meng Chi Snack Bar”

The “Sam Meng Chi Snack Bar” is operated by the Macao Association for the Mentally Handicapped and subsidized by the local government starts servicing the community since 2002. It provides support to people with disabilities aged 16 to 45 through employment training including food production and sales at the snack bar which is open to the public giving its trainees training and working opportunities. The scheme highlights their potential and works towards social integration through practical work, enabling a smooth transition from this safe and control environment to other work places in the society.

Khích lệ kế hoạch Khích lệ kế hoạch Programa

Continuing Education Development Scheme

The Education and Youth Affairs Bureau launched the Continuing Education Development Scheme since 2011 to encourage lifelong learning, including culinary related courses, in order to achieve the goal of improving the professional certification system and continuing to promote the construction of lifelong learning society, so as to cope with the diversified development of the economic industry and the construction of a learning society.

Funding of MOP6,000 every 3 years for Macao residents that can be used to support continuing education courses in local and overseas areas, higher education courses and license examinations.

Macao Young Entrepreneur Incubation Centre

The Youth Entrepreneurship Incubation Center was established in 2015 by the Macao Economic Services, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute and the Macao Productivity & Technology Transfer Center, aiming to bring a wide range of entrepreneurial support to young people in Macao. By providing all-inclusive support services for young entrepreneurs with creative business ideas, e.g. training, consultation, business matching, market intelligence, temporary office space.

Young Entrepreneurs Aid Scheme

In order to encourage Macao’s youth to seek new opportunities outside the traditional employment, forge entrepreneurial ideals, and to inject new impetus into Macao’s economic development, the Macao SAR Government has set up a Youth Entrepreneurship Aid Scheme under the Business and Development Fund, providing resources for local youth by means of an interest-free assistance to help them reduce the initial financial pressure.

Local residents aged between 21 and 44 who meet the initial business definition may apply. The grant shall be used for the purpose of purchasing the equipment required for the operation of the commercial enterprise; to carry out the renovation works for the business premises; to establish a commercial concession contract or franchise contract; to acquire technical exclusive rights or intellectual property rights; to conduct publicity and promotional activities; and as a working capital for business enterprises. The maximum amount of aid is MOP300,000 and the maximum repayment period is eight years.

SME Aid Scheme

SME Aid Scheme is put in place to effectively and appropriately support the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter called SMEs). The funds allocated for SME Aid Scheme can be used to finance its normal operation or for SMEs directly affected by extraordinary, unpredictable matters or dramatic changes in the business environment that rise the operating expenses or affecting the operating conditions of an enterprise. The maximum amount of aid per enterprise is MOP600,000. The maximum period for repayment of the loan is 8 years.

SME Credit Guarantee Scheme

SME Credit Guarantee Scheme supports the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Macao and aims to assist them to be financed by banks through offering of credit guarantee that equals to 70% of the loan approved by the participating banks. The maximum amount of guarantee offered is MOP 4.9 million. The amount of credit guarantee provided excludes the interest and any other expenses related to repayment of the loan. The repayment period of the loan is limited to a maximum of 5 years, counting from the date of signing the loan contract.

SME Procurement Partnership Program

Gaming Enterprises in Macao cooperate with the Macao Chamber of Commerce, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, and the Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center, in launching a SME Procurement Partnership Program in 2015. The program aims to give priority to local small and medium-sized enterprises in response to the Macau SAR government’s policy, bringing more business opportunities, developing the local supply chain, and elevating the competitiveness of local SMEs.

Micro, Small and Medium-sized and Long-term Specialty Food Store Aid Scheme

In order to preserve the characteristics of Macao’s distinctive food culture, enrich Macao’s tourism elements, and promote the diversified development of the industry. Micro, Small and Medium-sized and Long-term Specialty Food Store Aid Scheme was initiated by The United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macao and was funded by Macao Foundation.

The Scheme provides subsidy for the acquisition of equipment or hardware for approved enterprises, and offers them with training and consultation to improve the level of operation and competitiveness.

Step Out, Experience Macao’s Communities

The “Step Out, Experience Macao’s Communities” program highlights eight routes with creative themes, is introduced by Macao Government Tourism Office since 2013. The routes are presented for visitors’ choice, encouraging visitors to explore different neighborhoods, expecting to balance visitor trends around Macao and foster community tourism.

In terms of promotion, the relevant information of the eight routes including sightseeing attractions, dining options, transportation, shopping, performance activities and public facilities are easily obtained through the free printed guidebook, download on MGTO’s website or mobile App. Doubtlessly the program can benefit eateries along the route by diverting flow of both locals and visitors to less explored areas and bring dynamism to local economy.

More information of the “Step Out, Experience Macao’s Communities”

Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme

For the promotion of quality tourism, the Macao Government Tourism Office launched the Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme in 2014 with the purpose to define service quality standards for the tourism industry, encourage and support the industry to enhance service culture as well as recognize tourism merchants and practitioners who provide outstanding services and implement excellent service management. The Scheme selects the food and beverage industry in Macao as the first target and that is an effort to cope with the development goal of establishing Macao as the “World Centre of Tourism and Leisure”.

More information of Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme

Food Hygiene Supervisor Incentive Program (Food Safety Centre)

The Macao Food Safety Centre is responsible for ensuring that food safety standards are being meant. It entrusts Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center to co-organize the Food Hygiene Supervisor Incentive Program since 2015. Through systemic courses, this program aims to encourage the active engagement of the industry in on-going education and to improve their management skills in accordance to the “Food Safety Act”.

The incentive program targets employees who are recommended by their food industry employers to enroll in a certificate course to become a “food safety supervisor” with a validity of 5 years.

Occupational Safety and Health Programme for Restaurants

The Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) launched the Occupational Safety and Health Programme for Restaurants in 2014 and 2016, to reward enterprises and practitioners who had outstaynding performance in the aspects of occupational and health implementation, in an attempt to encourage and raise awareness of the industry to adopt occupational safety measures to reduce accidents at work from happening.

Apart from the Programme, DSAL also provides certificate courses, seminars and guidelines to the enterprises and practitioners to improve their working environment and safety knowledge.

Short-term food assistance program

Since 2011, Caritas de Macau launched a center dedicating the service of Short-term food assistance program. This Program tries to reach out to those who are having economic difficulties and to elevate the problems of poverty through combining the service to the society and raising awareness.

This Program aims at providing temporary relief to alleviate individuals or families in economic setbacks by providing encouragement and supportive services to enhance their personal or family member’s mental and physical resilience, thereby improving the quality of life. Raise public awareness of poverty to foster the “caring” and “sharing” spirit to build a harmonious society.

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“International Cities of Gastronomy Fest, Macao”

Held at Macau Fisherman’s Wharf from 14 to 23 June 2024, “Celebration of the 25thAnniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR – International Cities of Gastronomy Fest, Macao” as a first-time event, was organized by MGTO, co-organized by the Macao University of Tourism and the Industry and Commerce Association of Macau ZAPE, and in collaboration with the six integrated resort enterprises with the support of many other entities.

In celebration of the 75thanniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 25thanniversary of the establishment of the Macao SAR this year, as well as the Sustainable Gastronomy Day observed on 18 June globally, the “International Cities of Gastronomy Fest, Macao” (referred to as the “Fest” ), is the largest international event of gastronomic culture organized by MGTO over the years. It featured three major highlights namely the “International Gastronomy Promenade”, “City of Gastronomy Showcase” and “International Gastronomy Forum, Macao”. The “International Gastronomy Promenade” featured 100 food booths, 60 sessions of live cooking demonstrations were presented at the “City of Gastronomy Showcase”, and the “International Gastronomy Forum, Macao”, under the theme of “Holistic Gastronomy: Eat well, live well”, gathered delegates from Creative Cities of Gastronomy around the world and delegates from Chinese member cities of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) in other fields, as well as catering industry leaders and participants. Upon a total area of approximately 6,500 square meters, the Fest welcomed representatives from 29 UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy from 18 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, South and North Americas, the highest number of participating Creative Cities over the years. The participants represented over half of all the Creative Cities of Gastronomy around the globe. The Fest attracted about 107,000 participants. The total volume of exposure exceeded 28.40 million on MGTO’s social media platforms.

International Gastronomy Forum, Macao

The first edition of “International Gastronomy Forum” was organized by Macao Government Tourism Office in 2016. This forum is an annual event, as part of its work in forging ahead to develop Macao as a gastronomy city, on the road to transform Macao into a World Centre of Tourism and Leisure.

The Forum’s mission and vision is to promote and raise public awareness that creativity as a strategic factor enhances sustainable urban development. It wants to provide a platform for participating cities to communicate and understand the strengths of cultural assets, creativity and sustainable development. The Forum aims to connect cities to share their successful experience and learn from each other so as to boost the development of gastronomy in the creative field. It also aims to provide tours of culinary excellence to introduce Macao’s tradition, heritage and gastronomy-related industry. The Forum endeavors to demonstrate that food has become a common language shared by cities all around the world.

Macau Food Festival

Macau Food Festival is organized by the United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macao. Since its first edition in 2000, it has been the most favorite gastronomic event among local residents and visitors. The Macau Food Festival brings delicious Asian, European, Mainland China and local delicacies, and exciting entertainment and fun for everyone. With the theme of global delicacies in Macau, the Macau Food Festival is like an amusement park where visitors can taste worldwide cuisines in just one place while they can enjoy games, live performances and beer competition during the festival.

By organizing this food festival, the United Association of Food and Beverage Merchants of Macao aims to strengthen the unity of local catering industry and enhance the level of Macao’s catering industry through domestic and foreign food enterprises exchange, and to promote the development of gastronomy and tourism.

Lusofonia Festival

Organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau and co-organized by the Macao Government Tourism Office and the Municipal Affairs Bureau, the Lusofonia Festival associated with the culture of the Macao Portuguese-speaking communities held every year since 1998. This festival takes place at the Taipa Houses-Museum in three consecutive days in October. The festival comprises of cultural booths of Macao Portuguese-speaking communities from ten countries/regions, namely Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Goa, Daman and Diu, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe, Macao and East Timor, introducing their countries or regions’ traditional music, photographs, arts and crafts, costume, literary books and gastronomy, thereby putting vitality in the Lusofonia Festival as well as allowing visitors to have in-depth understanding of the Portuguese-speaking countries and regions’ culture. All residents and tourists are welcome to participate in the festival and experience the cultural customs and feel the Festival’s cheerful atmosphere.

Myanmar and Southeast Asia Cuisine and Cultural Festival

Myanmar and Southeast Asia Cuisine and Cultural Festival is part of the “Myanmar Overseas Chinese Water Festival” to celebrate Myanmar’s New Year. The long-running festival is organized by Macau Association of Mutual Help of Myanmar Overseas Chinese with the support of the local government and related entities since 1996.

With many Myanmar people living in Macau today, this festival has become a firm tradition which features booths of tempting southeast Asian fare, folk music, dance performances, and endless selection of delicious southeast Asian foods at Rotunda de Carlos da Maia.

Oktoberfest Macau

In cooperation with the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Hong Kong and German Macau Business Association as well as with Macao Government Tourism Office as the supporting unit, MGM successfully captured the essence of Bavarian festivities through German beers, cuisines, live entertainments and the Bavarian party atmosphere since 2009.

The 11-day Oktoberfest Macau has welcomed nearly 100,000 beer lovers with 96,606 liters of beer, 21,785 kilograms of pork knuckles, 9,696 roasted chickens and 14,379 pieces of homemade pretzels served approximately over the years. Authentic dining experience and entertainment makes this event one of most popular gastronomy event in Macao.

Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants

Macao’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy in 2018 added a powerful impetus for Macao to continue to evolve into a diverse and sustainable tourism destination, opening a brand new avenue of development and possibilities, led by gastronomy and creativity. As a Creative City of Gastronomy, we are committed to promote creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable development, seeking exchange, innovation, cross-field collaborations, cheering traditions and training the next generations of culinary talent.

The 6th,7th& 10thedition of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants took place in Macao, China, welcoming the greatest Asia community of chefs for Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Awards in 2018, 2019 & 2022 respectively, and especially in 2018 as part of the celebrations of its new status as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.

Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) supported the series of events as the Host Destination in both 2018 & 2019, giving the 50 Best team valuable insight into the history, culture and development of such a vibrant culinary destination.

Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants list and awards ceremony has brought Macao to the limelight of the gastronomy community in the region and to showcase our destination to chefs and restaurateurs from across the region, in particular, the dynamic restaurant scene and food culture in our city. The excellence and prestige of the awards lends a powerful opportunity for Macao’s dynamic restaurant scene, ranging from street food stalls to Michelin-starred restaurants, to further show itself to the world, to exchange and evolve, as the destination paves the way to transform itself into a world centre of tourism and leisure.

Black Pearl

The “2018 Black Pearl Restaurant Guide” made its first debut in Macao and the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) supported the “Black Pearl Restaurant Guide” from 2018-2020 respectively to further strengthen Macao’s position and increase the global clout of Macao as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.

The event provided an opportunity for a cross-regional, multi-style exchange of culinary experience and development and as a signature Chinese cuisine list, it built on the powerful platform centering on “food” and has a deeper understanding of China’s diners, restaurants and dining sector.

The “Black Pearl Restaurant Guide” is committed to promoting China’s long-standing food culture. As the third “Creative City of Gastronomy” in China, Macao has many restaurants on the list in the past years, allowing more tourists to know and experience the rich and diverse cuisine of Macao.

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Macao Light Festival

Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) held the inaugural edition of the Macao Light Festival in 2015 and made it an annual event in every December since then. Each year there will be different theme featured with music and light show bespokes local artistic power and adding creative interactive games with great fun by using remarkable blend of technology and innovation.

The 2017 Festival joined hands with two local catering establishments to present Light Dinner – an array of feasts that blend light projections and culinary delights into unprecedented dining experiences, to enliven the Festival with the creative dynamic coming from the designation of Macao as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy.

For Macao Light Festival 2018, more gastronomic elements are added to the programme and routes of the Macao Light Festival in parallel with the “2018 Macao Year of Gastronomy”. Besides projection mapping shows, interactive games and light installations showcasing the gastronomic culture of Macao, “Food Truck × Light” and Gastronomy Night Market debuted as new highlight to deliver the cross-field creativity of Macao as a Creative City of Gastronomy. Launched for the first time, “Food Truck × Light” offered illuminated drinks and souvenirs for redemption. The Gastronomy Night Market has unfolded local signature delights at the square in front of Pak Tai Temple. The Macao Light Festival 2018 has also featured its first cultural and creative night market at Anim’Arte Nam Van, the local hub for culture, creativity and leisure.

Macao Light Festival 2021 has deepen cross-sector integration of “tourism +” and foster integrated development across industries and regional cooperation. A performance team was invited from Changsha as a UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts to tailor the projection mapping show “Original Flavour of Macao” for Macao staged at Macao Science Centre.

Light Up Macao Drone Gala

In 2021, MGTO ventured upon a brand-new project, Light Up Macao Drone Gala, and introduced drone formation shows to Macao, bringing new nighttime entertainment experience for visitors and residents, deepening cross-sector integration of “tourism +”, maintaining the competitiveness of Macao as a travel destination, as well as driving the development of nighttime economy and revival of the local tourism economy.

To deepen cross-sector integration of “tourism +”, different themed drone shows were presented by five teams from the Mainland cities including the Creative Cities of Design - Shenzhen and Beijing, as well as Tianjin and Guangzhou by weaving together the elements of world heritage, gastronomy and sports, highlighting Macao as a safe and quality travel destination.

During the drone shows, the flow of people in the event area increased, compared with other days in December. The average daily flow of people increased by more than 13,000 people.

Macao Arts Festival

Organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government, the Macao Arts Festival is the biggest annual arts festival in Macao, which consistently enriches the cultural and artistic life of residents as well as visitors. It actively promotes the arts and artistic education, in an effort to encourage residents to engage in artistic activities and welcome the arts into their daily lives.

It’s programming adheres firmly to the three-fold principle of “fostering the development of local arts, showcasing outstanding performances from around the world and propagating the Chinese culture”. Since its inception, the festival has been actively promoting local artistic creation and providing numerous performance opportunities for the local artistic community through a wide variety of large-scale performances and exhibitions. In addition, it promotes the Chinese traditional repertoire as well, thereby exposing its brilliant qualities on the international stages of Macao.

Macao International Music Festival

The Macao International Music Festival is organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government and has been a melodious music journey since its birth in 1987. The annual rendezvous, together with dancing notes and exhilarative resonance, creates a channel for the artistic nutrients from different parts of the world to infuse into the pulse of the city. This broadens the horizon of the city to a global level and enhances the artistic humanism of the citizens.

The Festival has been developing over the last three decades. On the 30thanniversary of the Festival, Macao International Music Festival Forum invited prominent practitioners and directors of music festivals from overseas to discuss and share opinions on music and arts festivals and cultural development of cities, as well as seeking further opportunities for exchanges and co-operations.

Macao International Fireworks Display Contest

Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) organized the first edition of Macau International Fireworks Display Contest in 1989 and carried on the annual tradition until today. The Contest has pit a range of globally-acclaimed pyrotechnic companies from 10 different countries against each other over the past editions. This annual tradition is held above the sea in front of Macau during September and 1stOctober, whereas the team from China will culminate the Contest with their fireworks display in celebration of the National Day together with all the residents in town. Every fireworks display is choreographed to both music and laser light projections in the way that not only brings out its theme but also enhances the effect and level of its pyrotechnic extravaganza.

In addition, MGTO has been joining hands with the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau over the years to present the Fireworks Carnival which features both stage performance and signature delicacies next to Macau Tower. MGTO is dedicated to creating a greater synergy and enriching the content of mega events through interdepartmental efforts as well as collaboration with the private sector and local organizations so that more residents and visitors are motivated to take part in the events. The Office has been joining hands with the General Union of Neighbors Association of Macau over the years to present the Fireworks Carnival which features both stage performance and signature delicacies next to Macau Tower.

Macao City Fringe Festival: Mobile Kitchen

First held in 1999, The Macau City Fringe Festival, organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau and co-organized by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, has been showcasing an exciting range of local and international performance all over town, performing dance works, interactive theatre productions, musical performances and much more.

The 2017 edition of the Macao City Fringe Festival, taking “A Feast of Creativity! Bon Appétit!” as slogan and adopting the concept of “All around the city, our stages, our patrons, our artists”, invites artists locally and different parts of the world to participate, in order to create distinctive events in the city. One of the signature performance “Mobile Kitchen”, invited writers, illustrators, musicians, actors and radio hosts to prepared 10 gourmet feasts while sharing their art experiences with the audience.

Guangdong and Macao Branded Products Fair

The Guangdong and Macao Branded Products Fair (GMBPF) is jointly organized by the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute and the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province. The Fair is a carnival-style event embracing trade, cultural exchanges, shopping, leisure and entertainment and has achieved relatively significant results year-on-year and has been widely recognized by different sectors in the society.

The Guangdong and Macao Branded Products Fair debuted in 2009 and has been held annually with the objective to cope with the Outline of the Plan for the Reform and Development of the Pearl River Delta, and is an important trade and economic activity promulgated by both governments acting upon the basis of the subsequent Strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Agreement between Guangdong and Macao signed by the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute and the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Guangdong Province.

Macao International Trade and Investment Fair (MIF): Portuguese-speaking Countries Products and Services Exhibition

The Macao International Trade and Investment Fair is one of the biggest trade events in Macao and attracts large numbers of exhibitors and buyers from around the world every year since 1995. Taking advantage of Macao’s unique multicultural characteristics and its role as a regional business service platform, MIF further promotes trade and economic collaboration for enterprises in Macao and Mainland China and their counterparts in Portuguese-speaking countries, with the aim of expanding Macao’s role as a platform for trade and economic co-operation and exchange.

In 2016, the 21stMIF was the first to have a “Partner Country” - Portugal. It was also the first to have a Portuguese speaking Countries Fashion Show, held in the Portuguese-speaking Countries Products and Services Exhibition. It was also the first to have the “SME Service Corner for China and Portuguese-speaking Countries”, where visitors could learn about the Economic & Trade Co-operation and Human Resources Portal between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, and obtain advice about trade and investment in the Portuguese-speaking Countries markets.

Events in
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do Turismo

Macao Government Tourism Office has representative offices in Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America, which organizes various tourism events and promotions, and often engages gastronomy as one of the pillar attractions of Macao. During 2012-2016, a total of 44 media, chefs and key opinion leaders (KOLs) familiarization tours were carried out, 39 food seminars and 79 food related events were organized, along with production of 26 TV promotions broadcasted internationally to maximize awareness and interest on Macao’s culture and food heritage among potential markets. Highlight events include chef master classes in universities and renowned restaurants, cooking demonstrations on food trucks, Macanese food-week overseas and inspiring visiting chefs to create new dishes fusing elements from Macao and much more.

Macao Government Tourism Office invites Korean celebrity Chef Park Joo Woo who specializes in dessert to conduct Portuguese dessert-making class in JW Marriott Dongdaemun Square Seoul.

Korean chef invited to experience the food culture of Macao and share experience with Portuguese chef.

Macao Government Tourism Office launched the “Macao, Master Chef” campaign in Hong Kong. This campaign was developed with the objectives of familiarizing the Hong Kong public with Macanese food culture.

Macao Government Tourism Office launched the “Macao, Master Chef” campaign in Hong Kong in which Hong Kong actress Leila Kong, parenting bloggers Bbmamababa and Vanily Cake and their kids were invited to a 2-day-1-night training camp together with Celebrity Anchor Icy Wong, Celebrity Chef Shawn, and Indigenous Macanese Cuisine Expert Chef Neta to shoot Macanese cooking and parenting video series to promoting parent-kid interaction and bonding.

With the theme of “Gourmet & Lifestyle”, Macao Government Tourism Office in Japan tied up with famous tableware company Noritake, known for its high quality, sophisticated designs. It launched a new series called BLUE SORRENTINO which favors the blue-and-white hues, reflective of those of AZULEJOS tiles in Macao.

The “Taste of Macao” food truck was featured within the Macao Government Tourism Office’s booth at the annual Tourism Expo Japan, the largest travel show in Japan. The food truck provided authentic dishes such as African Chicken, Minchi Rice and egg tarts. The family-oriented event sold over 1,200 egg tarts during the two consumer days of the Expo which drew 185,844 visitors.

Publications &
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Macanese Cuisine in My Grandfather’s Home

Macanese Cuisine in My Grandfather’s Home

Graça Pacheco Jorge

In order to promote and pass on Macanese gastronomy the Cultural Affairs Bureau has published a revised edition of “The Cuisine of Macao from my Grandfather’s House” in Chinese and in a bilingual Portuguese-English version, enabling a broader range of readers to become familiar with Macau’s unique gastronomic techniques.

Author Graça Pacheco Jorge, brought up in a long established Macanese family, has spared no effort in putting out the word about Macanese gastronomy, and continues to organise and publicise related activities, including lectures, workshops and training courses, as well as participating in documentaries on local gastronomy produced in Portugal, Japan and Hong Kong.

What to Eat?

What to Eat?

Carlos Alberto Anok Cabral

The name of the book “What to Eat?” tells all what you can expect from this book and much more. Aside from being a recipe book of over 30 dishes range from snack, appetizer, main dish and dessert, it is also a personal journal of the author, Mr. Carlos Alberto Anok Cabral, the inspiration behind certain dishes, unique memories and experience as well as his passion for the Patuá which is listed as an intangible cultural heritage of Macao.

With the publication of this book, Mr. Cabral hopes to show how the combination of love, passion, time and imagination can turn ingredients into a piece of artwork.

Colors in the Pot

Colors in the Pot

Christine Hong Barbosa and Julia Lam

“Colors in the Pot” is an exquisite combination of 10 Water-colored Illustrations by talented Julia Lam on 10 special Macanese Cuisines recipes generously provided by Mrs. Cecilia Jorge. The book is enclosed by a gorgeous hardcover aiming to share the culture of Macanese Cuisine and spread the love for food and illustrations.

Macanese Culinary 100 Specialties

Macanese Culinary 100 Specialties

João António Ferreira Lamas

“Macanese Culinary – 100 Specialities”, which is a trilingual edition, in Chinese, Portuguese and English. The recipes from the book came from the late João António Ferreira Lamas who was a Portuguese married to Macanese Ercília Maria de Sousa Nolasco da Silva. The book gathers hundred of recipes of Macanese gastronomy, mostly homemade ones little known by the public selected from the author’s immense collection, which he shares in this book as wish to keep this unique cuisine tradition alive.

Macanese Cuisine Origins and Evolution

Macanese Cuisine Origins and Evolution

António M. Jorge da Silva

This book describes the origins of the Macanese Cuisine and the story behind many of the dishes. It explores its history and how the ingredients have changed and the recipes evolved outside Macao. The “Macanese Cuisine Origins and Evolution” is a profoundly illustrated and well written book with appetising dishes and mouth-watering photo collection.

Last but not least, the book is a collection of Mr. Silva’s personal memories that he has so generously share with his readers and especially to the younger generations.

Saboroso - Portuguese and Macanese Cuisine in Macau

Saboroso - Portuguese and Macanese Cuisine in Macau

Nuno Mendonça and Carmo Correia

“Saboroso-Portuguese and Macanese Cuisine” in Macau is a comprehensive guide to Portuguese and Macanese restaurants in Macao, with a focus not only on the food but indeed the chefs behind it. Published in three languages – in traditional Chinese, Portuguese and English – and written by Nuno Mendonça, previously a long-term resident of Macau and former Editor-in-Chief of Macau CLOSER, the book is exquisitely illustrated by the photographs of locally-based photographer Carmo Correia. The book also includes detailed recipes of some the most famous and popular dishes at each restaurant in Macao.

The Art of Modern Portuguese Cuisine

The Art of Modern Portuguese Cuisine

David Wong

David Wong launched his cookbook titled “The Art of Modern Portuguese Cuisine” which earned him the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2008 in the category of “Best Easy Recipes Book” in Macao region.

Most of the recipes depicted in this book are signature dishes at the Institute of Tourism Studies’ Educational Restaurant, consummated by the author. David Wong hopes readers enjoy not only the dishes prepare out of this book in the company of family and friends but also the fine art of cooking.

Family Macanese Recipes and Treasures

Family Macanese Recipes and Treasures

Pauline, Choi Pui Leng

“Family Macanese Recipes and Treasures” authored by Pauline, Choi Pui Leng published in traditional Chinese, Portuguese and English. It is an easy-to-read and well illustrated recipe book featuring a fusion of Portuguese and Asian flavours easily found in Macao with a hint of historic treasures glittering throughout the book. Gastronomy represents a time-honoured, rich culinary lending a special charm to the city. The aim of this book is to promote Macanese cuisine not only preserves Macanese culture, but also enables it to step onto the international culinary stage.

Macao’s Journey of Gastronomy

Macao’s Journey of Gastronomy

Institute of Tourism Studies

“Macao’s Journey of Gastronomy” is a book published in traditional Chinese that explores the different cuisine available in Macao. It is an in-depth look into the characteristics of each cuisine, table etiquette, ingredients and much more.

Taste of Macao

Taste of Macao

Macao Government Tourism Office

“Taste of Macao” is a brochure with cheerful illusion of Macanese, Portuguese and Chinese dishes that one can easily find in Macao with handy maps enclosed.

Hyperlink -e-brochure

Macao Food Guide Macao Food Guide Macao Food Guide

Macao Food Guide

Macao Government Tourism Office

The “Macao Food Guide” is a handy brochure published by the Macao Government Tourism Office during Chinese New Year, National-Day and Labour-Day holidays to inform tourists about the restaurants and eateries that will remain in operation during the holiday seasons.

Taste of Time Taste of Time

Taste of Time

“Taste of Time” is a micro film produced by the Macao Small and Medium-sized Catering Industry Association with the support of the Macao Government Tourism Office. The aim of this movie is to use moving story lines about love, affection and friendship to entice audience to visit the shooting locations in Macao, and taste the food to experience in person the emotions portrayed by the artists.

Gastronomic Pamphlet

Gastronomic Pamphlet

UNESCO Creative Cities Network

UNESCO Creative Cities Network developed a thematic e-pamphlet showcasing activities undertaken by cities in promoting sustainable food ways and implementing the 2030 Agenda through gastronomy.

Hyperlink -e-pamphlet

Press Release Tin tức công bố
Macao Government Tourism Office
Address: Alameda Dr. Carlos d'Assumpção, n.os335-341, Edifício "Hot Line", 12º andar, Macau