T&D equipment, switchgear and arrester application

Consulting Services evaluates all aspects of transmission and distribution equipment application from planning/conceptual stages of a project to writing functional specifications for individual equipment. We provide this service for a wide range of utility, industrial and internal GE Vernova product and service businesses, such asGas Power.We perform system performance simulations and recommend equipment for large projects such as: transmission series capacitors, wind plants, Variable Frequency Transformers (VFT), solar plants, battery storage, and synchronous condensers. In these projects, we simulate performance and/or specify equipment including transformers, switchgear, harmonic filters, series reactors, series capacitors, surge arresters, system grounding equipment, and control equipment such as condenser excitation systems, controls for multiple wind plants, and controls for solar and battery installations.

Power generation equipment model validation and dynamic performance evaluation

Consulting Services offers generator owners a cost-effective means to meet regional (e.g., Western Electricity Coordinating Council) and national (e.g. North American Electric Reliability Corporation) model validation requirements.

Our services and benefits

  1. Clear and complete test planning.
  2. Efficient in-plant test execution – proven track record with tests of hundreds of units (experience list available upon request).
  3. Commitment to successful test completion while meeting other objectives, including on-time return to service.
  4. Capability to test both GE Vernova and Non-GE equipment.
  5. Portable, easy to connect test instrumentation – unit outage typically not required.
  6. Resulting dynamic models verified in relevant commercially available software package (e.g. PSLF or PSS/E).
  7. Complete documentation of test approach, results and model verification in one concise, easy-to-read test report.
  8. Final report and data files directly ready for regulatory submittal.


We offer steady-state and dynamic model validation for all prime mover types—gas turbine,steam turbine, hydro and other renewables. Given the validated models provided by our test team, you’ll be well-positioned to:

  1. Respond to regulatory modeling requirements.
  2. Evaluate plant upgrade options.
  3. Understand the capabilities and range of your equipment.

Convenient and cost effective NERC standard implementation

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has adopted several standards to increase bulk electric system (BES) reliability by requiring the coordination of protection between equipment and entities and setting load responsive relaying to prevent unnecessary tripping during system disturbances.

Choose GE Vernova for:


Proven track record conducting more than 300 thermal and renewable generating plant protection studies


Decades of involvement in developing industry standards and technical references related to power plant protection


Unique knowledge of GE Vernova units as well as wide-ranging experience with non-GE turbines, generators, controls, automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), and protective relays


A team of experts who provide a thorough understanding of equipment capabilities and limitations

Explore our equipment and grid code compliance solutions

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Contact us today for your equipment and grid code testing needs