The Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is elected by the Council for a five-year term. The IOM Director General, Amy Pope,exercises constitutional authority to manage the Organization and carry out activities within its mandate by formulating coherent policies and ensuring that programme development is consistent with strategic priorities.

 The Director General appoints two Deputy Directors General and a Chief of Staff for the duration of their term: the Deputy Director General for Operations,the Deputy Director General for Management and Reform,and theChief of Staff.  

Additionally, the following offices—Office of Legal Affairs, Office of the Ombudsperson, Office of Internal Oversight Services, and the Office of Ethics and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH)—are independent offices that report directly to the Director General.

TheDirector Generalleads the organization, spearheading strategic direction through the following structure:

Deputy Director General for Management and Reform 
  • Financial and Administrative Management 
  • Staff Health and Welfare 
  • Global Shared Services 
  • Change Management 
  • Human Resources Management 
  • Information and Communications Technology 
  • Supply Chain 
Deputy Director General for Operations
  • Humanitarian Response and Recovery 
  • Protection 
  • Data, Insight & Policy Coordination 
  • Mobility Pathways and Inclusion 
  • Climate Action 
  • Staff Security 
Office of the Chief of Staff 
  • Deputy Chief of Staff 
  • Special Liaison Office in Addis Ababa 
  • Regional Offices 
  • Country Offices 
Office of Partnership, Advocacy and Communications  
  • Media and Communications 
  • Member States Relations and Resource Mobilization 
  • United Nations Network on Migration Secretariat 
  • IOM Office to the United Nations in New York 
  • Partnerships 
  • Private Sector Partnerships 
Office of Strategy and Organizational Performance 
  • Institutional Risk  
  • Institutional Performance 
  • Strategic Planning & Results