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时 间:2021年5月30日 下午3:00–4:30


报告人:黄成军 研究员, 中科院微电子所

邀请人:刘欢 教授、 王超 研究员


“超越摩尔(more than moore)”是后摩尔时代微纳电子技术的重要发展方向之一。微纳电子技术与生命科学的融合,形成了形式多样、功能强大的创新性的工具和方法,助力生命科学、医学研究及应用。本报告将汇报课题组运用微电子技术与微流控技术,研制的各型微纳传感器件,及其在稀有肿瘤细胞、外泌体等生物颗粒的精准操控、检测分析,以及呼吸气体传感等方面的研究工作;同时将以课题组近期开发的“one cell, triple e”为例,介绍该平台在稀有细胞富集、单细胞电学分析和细胞电穿孔等方面研究成果。最后对微纳传感器在健康医疗领域的应用前景作简单展望。

theinterdisciplinary innovations of micro/nano electronics and life science has brought a new direction in the “more than moore” field, enabling precision medicine, healthcare and medical rebbbbbb. in this presentation, our latest microelectronics/microfluidics integrated biosensor, actuator platbbbbs for the manipulation, sorting, and detection of rare bio-particles, e.g., circulating tumor cells (ctc), exosomes from human body-fluids, and small molecules from the breath. in one example, a so called “one cell, triple e” platbbbb was developed, which allows users to enrich, electrical detect, and electroporate the tumor cells at single cell resolution. the future vision in this field will also be discussed.



dr. huang chengjun received his bachelor and ph.d degree from microelectronics, huazhong university of science and technology (hust) in 2001 and 2006, respectively. from 2007 to 2013, he worked as a senior rebbbbbber in imec, belgium. in 2014, dr. huang joined the institute of microelectronics, chinese academy of sciences as a professor.

currently, he is leading a rebbbbbb team focusing on the r&d of micro-electronics for healthcare applications (e-health). he is also serving as an adjunct professor in the school of future technology of university of chinese academy of sciences (ucas). his rebbbbbb interests include the interdisciplinary innovations on both microelectronic and biomedical fields: micro/nano sensors, mems and microfluidics, biomedical micro-devices and systems. he has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and is holding 35 invention patents.

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