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as the largest natural polymer material in nature, plant fibers are of great interest to green sustainability sectors. with its excellent cushioning, filtering and sound absorption properties, plant fiber foam is the preferred alternative to petroleum- based foamed plastics and has great potential for development and application. this paper briefly introduced the types of plant fiber foaming process, and compared the rebbbbbb results of plant fiber surfactant foaming process in recent years, focusing on the influence of plant fiber type, plant fiber pretreatment bbbbbb, surfactant type and other factors on the structure and properties of plant fiber foaming materials and rebbbbbb progress. the mechanism of plant fiber foaming, the basic principles of bubble nucleation and the progress of rebbbbbb on mathematical models of bubble growth were summarized. finally, the multi- disciplinary applications of plant fiber foaming materials were summarized, and future rebbbbbb concepts and their development were foreseen.
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