Vô chủ đề

Tác giả: linet

№10 võng hữu: Bình luận: 《 này nặc như nguyệt chiếu áo xanh 》 chấm điểm: 0 phát biểu thời gian 11: 2008-03-26 22:23:53 sở bình chương: 33
something wrong with chinese culture! women always want to be dependent on men. They are not real person that deserve respect. There are something wrong in hte society and culture. I'm glad I no longer belong there.
This comment is rather shallow and immature! Millions of women, regardless of their culture, seek their security in men; it is not an ill associated with the chinese only, for heavens sake.
Do not be so naive. The western culture is not all glorious. Women are objectified constantly. Look at the trash in the media. Living in a so called developed western country, I am appalled by the values portrayed by the media. Yet I know that there is also good in the culture and will not dismiss it just because I see lots which I don't agree with.
Proud to be chinese (by blood) and wishing that all chinese have the humility to learn the good from others and better ourselves!
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