How China’s Declining Marriage Rate Soured the Candy Industry

As young Chinese put off tying the knot, traditional wedding candy sellers feel the pinch


The Fast and Furious Dragon Boat Racers of Foshan

In Foshan, the Ming-dynasty tradition of dragon boat racing continues to draw daring local competitors and big crowds


Viral Hinterland: The Famous Chinese County That No One Visits

Journeying through the viral Shandong county netizens once dubbed the “center of the universe”


The Quest for Quiet: Can “Reverse Travel” Save China’s Tourists From Holiday Crowds?

Between crowded tourist hotspots and boring small towns, young vacationers struggle to find a middle ground


Throwing Eggs: How “Guandan” Became China’s Favorite Card Game

The regional card game “guandan,” literally “throwing eggs,” has become one of the country’s most popular social activities


Hot and Spicy: How Malatang Conquered China

As a Gansu variety of “malatang” goes viral online, we delve into the history and appeal of one of China’s most ubiquitous dishes


China’s Tin City: How the Metal Made Gejiu

The boom, bust, and rebirth of a small Yunnan city built atop mountains of tin


Caverns of Culture: Leisure and Spirituality in China’s Karst Caves | Photo Story

Photographer Cai Shanhai captures life and leisure of southwest China’s “cave dwellers”


What Video Games (Don’t) Teach Us About China

Video games mix real-world history and fiction in ways that inform—and perhaps distort—people’s views of China


Big Belly Business: China’s Latest Corporate Craze

Young professionals’ new office trend for rotundity blurs the line between ambition and absurdity