HomeCalendarDays of the week

The 7 Days of the Week

The 7-day week is the international standard week (ISO 8601) used by the majority of the world.

Photo of colorful cards, marked with the day and date

Calendars help keep track of the days


Starts Monday or Sunday

Almost all countries inNorth and South Americastart their week on Sunday. Countries inEurope and Oceaniaoverwhelmingly start on Monday. The world’s most populated continents are split: roughly half the countries inAfrica and Asiaare on team Sunday, the other on team Monday.See it on a world map

According to international standard ISO 8601,Mondayis the first day of the week. It is followed byTuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,andSaturday.Sundayis the 7th and last day of the week.

Although this is the international standard, several countries, including theUnited StatesandCanada,consider Sunday as the start of the week.

Named After Gods and Planets

The names of the 7 days of the week in most Latin-based languages come from theRoman calendar,which related each day with 7 celestial bodies considered to be gods: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

The English language has retained the planet names for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. However, the names for the other days of the week have been replaced by their equivalent Norse or Germanic gods.

Some Asiatic languages such as Hindi, Japanese, and Korean have a similar relationship between the weekdays and the planets.

The 7-day-week provides a clear method of representing dates and times to avoid misinterpretation between people from different countries with varying traditions for writing numeric dates and times.

Why Seven Days?

There are many different opinions as tohow the 7-day week originated.The most common explanation points to Babylonian astrologers who assigned planet gods to the days of the week around 700BCE.

The Romans later replaced these names with their planet gods in the ancientRoman calendarand Germanic and Norse people later did the same with some of their gods.

When Is the Weekend?

As the first day of the week varies in different cultures, so does the weekend. The Christian or Western world marks Sunday as their day of rest and worship, while Muslims refer to Friday as their day of rest and prayer. TheJewish calendarcounts Saturday—the Sabbath—as the day of rest and worship.

Both Saturdays and Sundays are common days of rest in the calendar. Calendars in some countries use a separate color for the weekends and reserve the black or gray fonts for the weekdays, Monday through Friday.

52 Weeks & 1 Day

A common yearroughly adds up to 52 weeks of 7 days each plus 1 day—or 2 days, if it's aleap year.However, countries vary on exactly how they present andnumber the weeksin theircalendars.

Some Years Have 53 Weeks

The weeks of the year in theGregorian calendarare numbered from week 1 to week 52 or 53. If a year, and week 1, starts on aThursday,then the weeks are shifted so that there are 53 weeks in that year.

These week numbers are commonly used in some European and Asian countries; but not so much in the United States.
