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>Tiếng Anh tứ cấp>Tiếng Anh tứ cấp giáo trình mp3>Tiếng Anh tứ cấp vạn năng viết văn> đệ 18 thiên

Tiếng Anh tứ cấp vạn năng viết văn Make Our City Green

Tương ứng giáo trình:Tiếng Anh tứ cấp vạn năng viết văn


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[00:00.00]Make Our City Green

[00:03.11]What do you think about this picture of our citie

[00:06.92]Granite mansions surrounded by bare lands.Asphalt streets lined with electric pole

[00:14.63]Without enough greenery our cities are a dull color of gra

[00:20.01]Obviously,this picture of our cities is unpleasant to our eye

[00:25.29]So we hunger for trees and other green plant

[00:29.81]Trees and other green plants are our true friend

[00:34.46]They are helpful to us in many ways.You don't have to look very far to see the truth of this propositio

[00:43.73]With their help,the air we breathe can be cleaned;with their help,the climate can be improved;still with their help,the soil can be protecte

[00:55.61]Fortunately,measures have been taken to cope with the situatio

[01:00.76]For example,governments have passed laws to protect trees;our citizens have devoted ourselves to planting trees;even little children have been educated to love greener

[01:16.09]In brief,to make our cities greener,every one of us should give a hand.

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