Home >> Tungsten Alloy Military Fittings >>Tungsten Alloy Dehulling Armor Piercing

Tungsten Alloy Dehulling Armor Piercing

Tungsten alloy dehulling armor piercing is composed of the flying part and the shedding part, which adopts the dehulled structure to reduce the air resistance and to slow down the speed attenuation on the outer trajectory of the flying part. At the same time, the quality of the cartridge is reduced by using the aluminum alloy cartridge with low density, so that the initial speed of the cartridge is improved, thus enhancing the ability to wear armor at a long distance.

Due to the higher initial speed and accuracy of the tungsten alloy military armor piercing, all its armor piercing performance is much higher than that of the shaped charge armor piercing projectile, especially for the tank equipped with composite armor.

Tungsten alloy dehulling armor piercing has high speed, low ballistic stretching, flight time is short, high accuracy, large kinetic energy and wear the advantages of a very powerful. It has super ability and is able to quickly and efficiently deal with the target. It can be equipped with off the coast of naval gun, cannon, anti-aircraft guns and air cannon, which is used to mutilate tanks, self-propelled guns, armored vehicles, ships, and aircraft, such as armor target. The armor piercing also can be used to destroy fortified defenses.

Tungsten Alloy Dehulling Armor Piercing Images

tungsten alloy dehulling armor piercing image  tungsten alloy dehulling armor piercing image  tungsten alloy dehulling armor piercing image 

If you have any interest in tungsten alloy dehulling armor piercing, please feel free to contact us by email: [email protected] or by phone: 86 592 5129696.

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