Home>>Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield>>Lead Free Radiation Brick

Lead Free Radiation Brick

Lead free radiation brickmaterials are well suited for this task.Lead is quite ineffective for blocking neutron radiation, as neutrons are uncharged and can simply pass through dense materials. It materials composed of low atomic number elements are preferable for stopping this type of radiation because it have a higher probability of forming cross-sections that will interact with the neutrons. The product also named tungsten alloy radiation brick is widely used.

Compounds with a high concentration of hydrogen atoms, such as water, form efficient neutron barriers in addition to being relatively inexpensive shielding substances. However, lead free radiation brick with high density materials can emit gamma rays when blocking neutrons, meaning that it is most effective when tungsten alloy radiation brick incorporates both high and low atomic number elements. We can provide all kinds of it as your requirements.

tungsten alloy radiation brick
Lead Free Radiation Brick

Tungsten alloy radiation brick products have excellent radiation resistance, electric and thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance coupled with high density (16-18.5g/cm3) and good mechanical strength. Tungsten alloy radiation brick has small coefficient of expansion and large elastic modulus, and tungsten alloy radiation brick is extensively used in military equipment, mechanical manufacturing, aircraft components, medical shields and sports equipment.

Tungsten alloy radiation brick is used in both medical and industrial settings. The energy-absorbing qualities of tungsten alloy radiation brick makes them excellent choices to protect sensitive electronic equipment, as well as delicate human tissue. We deliver X-ray target and stationary anodes for a variety of X-ray applications. Our tungsten alloy radiation brick, lead free radiation brick materials are used worldwide for the assembly of X-ray tubes, and other precise X-ray technology. Tungsten alloy radiation bricks are used in radioactive source containers, gamma radiography, syringe shields, oncology treatment systems and oncology instruments. Tungsten alloy radiation brick, lead free radiation brick provides unsurpassed strength, control and protection.

Why Use Tungsten Alloy Radiation Brick?

Compared to traditional radiation shielding materials such as lead and boron carbide, tungsten alloy radiation bricks provide excellent density with small capacity. At the same tungsten alloy radiation brick with weights high density alloy can provide the same energy absorption as lead using 1/3 less material.

During design of shielding, tungsten alloy radiation shielding is calculated according to requirements of shield to abate the multiple shielding materials' thickness.
Formula: K=e0.693 d / △1/2
K: Shield weakened multiple
△ 1/2: The tungsten alloy radiation brick material of the half-value layer values

Some additional applications for our lead free radiation bricks are:

Nuclear Medicine
Neutron Shielding
Instrumentation Shielding
Cobalt Shielding
Proton Therapy
Linear Accelerator Vaults

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about lead free radiation brick. Our e-mail address issales@chinatungstensales@xiamentungstenand you can call us: 0086 592 5129696.

Related Links: Tungsten Radiation Shielding Application| Tungsten Radiation Shielding Advantage| Tungsten For Non-Destructive Testing
Address: 3F, No.25 WH Rd., Xiamen Software Park Ⅱ, FJ 361008,China
Phone:+86-592-5129696, +86-592-5129595; Email:sales@chinatungstensales@xiamentungsten
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