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Tungsten Alloy Counterweight Advantages

Tungsten Alloy Counterweight
Tungsten alloy counterweightis widely used as counterbalance an opposing mass in a linear or rotary motion system as for its counterweight.

Tungsten alloy is always used for counterbalance an opposing mass in a linear or rotary motion system, allowing movement with lower driving forces.

Tungsten alloy counterweight is designed for aircraft control surfaces, aircraft rotor blades, guidance platforms, and vibration dampening governors. Take vibration dampening governor for instance, tungsten counterweight is used to reduce vibrations in rotating systems such as automobile tires. The vibration is measured without any weights and the heavy spot is determined. It is then placed opposite this heavy spot to balance the load and reduce or eliminate the vibration.

tungsten alloy counterweight

The reasons for adopting tungsten can also be made out of metals such as iron, steel and various alloys. However, tungsten alloy with high density becomes the most popular used material. Take tungsten alloy golf counterweight for instance. When counterweight golf, somebody have the thought of that if they want more distance and control, the conventional wisdom calls for lighter overall weight. But it turned out to be wrong. The reasons as follows:

If you have any interest, please feel free to contact us by email:sales@chinatungstensales@xiamentungstenor by telephone:0086 592 5129696, we are at your service.

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