Home>>Tungsten Alloy Military Fittings>>Tungsten Alloy Kinetic Warhead

Tungsten Alloy Kinetic Warhead

Tungsten alloy kinetic warhead, one of the kinetic energy weapons, is a dynamic control device used in the kinetic energy interceptor. Its role is mainly to control power distribution and kinetic energy retention, which benefits from the use of tungsten alloy materials. High density of the materials means a large mass per unit volume, thereby taking advantage of the specific gravity of the warhead relative to the entire missile to control the power distribution of the missile. Its high hardness makes the missile head a deadly blow against the solid fortifications.

A kinetic weapon is capable of firing a highly kinetic warhead at very high speed. It uses the kinetic energy of the warhead to directly destroy the target. It can be used in strategic anti-missile, anti-satellite and anti-spacecraft operations, as well as in tactical anti-aircraft, anti-tank and tactical anti-missile operations, such as the projectile fired by an electromagnetic gun. The projectile has strong firepower, large intercept area and good damage effect. Its speed can reach tens of kilometers per second with several or dozens of projectiles.

Tungsten Alloy Kinetic Warhead Images

tungsten alloy kinetic warhead image tungsten alloy kinetic warhead image tungsten alloy kinetic warhead image

If you have any interest in tungsten alloy kinetic warhead, please feel free to contact us by email:sales@chinatungstenor by phone: 86 592 5129696.

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