Application of Tungsten Copper

1. Tungsten Copper for High-temperature Materials

Due of tungsten copper alloy material has a strong resistance to high temperature, in the 1960s, the United States began to take advantage of this feature on the material used as the rail guns, rocket missile nozzle throat insert and gas rudder and other high temperature applications parts. Its application principle is that when the gas temperature close to or above the melting point of the metal tungsten (> 3400 ° C), tungsten copper alloy material because of the evaporation of the copper large endothermic, greatly reduces the surface temperature of the copper component of tungsten, which can in general materials can not withstand the high temperature environment. With the development of new uses of tungsten copper materials in the field of military and national defense, the application of high-temperature tungsten copper materials is increased significantly. Tungsten copper material must have high reliability as a high-tech and military defense, which put forward higher requirements on material properties, especially in the high temperature strength and high-temperature gas ablative performance.
Tungsten copper alloy in the aerospace used as a missile, rocket engine nozzle vane air rudder, the nose cone, the main requirement is to require high temperature (3000K to 5000K), high temperature airflow flushing capacity, using mainly copper at high temperatures The volatiles formed diaphoretic refrigeration (copper melting point 1083 ° C), to reduce the surface temperature of the copper tungsten, use in high temperature and under extreme conditions.

2 Tungsten Copper Alloy for High-voltage Switchgear Electrical

Tungsten copper alloy in high-voltage switchgear 128kV SF6 circuit breakers WCu / CuCr, as well as high-voltage vacuum load switch (12kV 40.5KV 1000A), the arrester is widely used, the small volume of high-voltage vacuum switch, easy to maintain and use a wide range in the wet flammable and explosive and corrosive environments. The main performance requirements arc erosion resistance, anti-welding, small cut-off current, less gas, low thermal electron emission ability. In addition to the to conventional macroeconomic performance requirements, requirements porosity and microstructure properties, it is to take a special process, the complexity of the need to vacuum degassing, vacuum infiltration process.
Tungsten copper alloy material as high-voltage electrical switch electrical contacts in the vacuum switch electrical has been widely used in the tungsten copper products account for a large share. And because tungsten copper materials excellent conductivity and resistance to erosion resistance, now used in the new high-voltage electrical switches in SF for the interrupter media. Same time, around the 1980s, and the other newly developed vacuum switch with tungsten copper materials in large wide lower than widely used in 3jkV in, high-voltage electrical appliances, such vacuum electrical switch small size, good performance has become dominant in (6 ~ 35 kV) high-voltage grid and electrification of railway switch, easy to operate, easy to maintain, long life, and have to adapt to the excellent characteristics of flammable, explosive, alpine, wet and corrosive environments use appliances. Vacuum copper tungsten contact material in addition to the required performance with conventional electrical contacts, special requirements should be consistent with the vacuum application materials with extremely low gas content requirements, it requires the use of special technology, such as high temperature or vacuum degassing, vacuum melting infiltration prepared.

3. Electric machining electrodes

The EDM electrode the early adopters copper or graphite electrodes, cheap but impatience ablation, now basically replace tungsten copper electrode. Tungsten copper electrode advantage of high temperature, high temperature, and high strength, arc erosion resistance, and good thermal conductivity properties, heat quickly. The application includes EDM electrodes, resistance welding electrodes and high-voltage discharge electrodes.
The electric machining electrodes is characterized by many different specifications, small-batch, more than the total amount. Electric machining electrodes within the beginning of a longer period in the development of EDM with tungsten copper alloy, commonly used as machining electrodes of copper and copper alloy. With the increasing precision molds and components usage of many difficult-to-machine materials, as well as the EDM process has become more sophisticated, tungsten copper material as EDM electrode amount increasing. Tungsten copper electrical machining electrode material, not only to improve the accuracy of the machining molds and parts, and electrode loss, high processing efficiency, even roughing and finishing of the product once completed. EDM electrode is characterized by many different specifications, and small batch total. As electrical machining electrode tungsten copper material should have a density as high as possible and the uniformity of the organization, particularly some elongated rod, pipe material, and a profiled electrode, if using a conventional method of preparation, the process is very complicated, the material utilization is low.

4. Tungsten Copper Alloy for Microelectronic Materials

Copper tungsten electronic package and the heat sink material, both having a tungsten low expansion characteristics, also has a copper of high thermal conductivity characteristics, its thermal expansion coefficient and thermal conductivity of the conductive properties may be by adjusting the tungsten and copper components and be changed, and thus to the tungsten and copper provide a more wide range of applications. Since the copper tungsten material has a high heat resistance and good thermal conductivity, and also coefficient of thermal expansion match with silicon, GaAs, and ceramics, and therefore widely used in the semiconductor material. Tungsten copper alloy are suitable for high-power device packaging materials, heat sink material, cooling components, ceramic and gallium arsenide base.
Electronic packaging and heat sink with the two-phase composite of tungsten-copper composite material tungsten copper having a high thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion coefficient, and is regarded as a good heat sink material in high-power devices. In recent years, at home and abroad have many experts and scholars on tungsten and copper as a heat sink material, a large number of researches. These studies mainly include powders modified to add the active agent in order to improve the sintered density of the tungsten and copper. With the development of high-power and large-scale integrated circuit of the electronic device, the proposed requirements of the corresponding material upgrading, since the tungsten-copper composite material has both a high heat resistance and good thermal conductivity, and also having a silicon sheet, gallium arsenide, and the ceramic material to match the coefficient of thermal expansion, so as embedded blocks, connecting member and the radiating element has been rapidly applied, now have become an important new electronic package and the heat sink material. Currently, tungsten copper relative density of the material up to 99 or more, the use of high purity powder raw material, the thermal conductivity of the material W a 15Cu rate of up to 200W / (m • K). As electronic packaging and heat sink materials, quality and performance of tungsten copper materials have higher requirements, requires not only a high purity and uniform should be organized, the leak rate is low, good thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient is small, it is subject to strict control of the production process and product quality.

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