Tungsten Carbide Powder >>

Delivery Cost for 50grams Free Sample

Country(Region) Gross Weight Delivery Cost(USD) Countries & Area
Part 1 0.5KGS 22.00 Taiwan
14.00 Hong Kong, Macau
Part 2 30.00 Korea, Japan
Part 3 32.00

Philippine, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia

Part 4 35.00 Australia, New Zealand
Part 5 40.00 United States
Part 6 48.00

Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Ireland, Austria, Greece, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway

Part 7 50.00 Turkey, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Laos
Part 8 56.00

Argentina, the United Arab Emirates, Panama, Brazil, Belarus, Poland, Russia, Colombia, Cuba

Part 9 75.00

Albania, Chen Algeria, Afghanistan, Angola, Iceland

If you have any interest in our products, please feel free to contact us by email:sales@chinatungsten or by telephone:+86 592 5129696.

More info>>

1.How to Order Tungsten Oxide

1.How to Order Tungsten Powder

2.How to Order Tungsten Carbide Powder