Our work

Our work
UNDRR helps decision makers across the globe better understand and act on risk.

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has a big ambition: to help decision makers across the globe better understand and act on risk.

At UNDRR, we envision a world where disasters no longer threaten the well-being of people and the future of the planet. Sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda cannot be achieved without working towards that goal of building resilience.

Our key message:
It pays to invest in reducing the risks posed by disasters.

Every dollar spent doing this can save fifteen in post-disaster recovery costs. Every dollar invested in making infrastructure disaster-resilient saves four that would otherwise have to be spent rebuilding.

It’s time to break the cycle of disaster > response > dependency > repeat. This meansswitching the focus from managing disasters to managing risk.Bringing about that conceptual shift, not only within governments but across ‘all of society’, in the way we live, build, plan, and invest, is core to our work at UNDRR.

An essential step along this journey is acknowledging the fact thatthere is no such thing as anaturaldisaster.There are naturalhazardsthat cannot be prevented, such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, and cyclones. But we can curb their destructive power—in other words, stop them turning into major disasters—through careful and coordinated planning that is designed to reduce people’sexposureandvulnerabilityto harm.

UNDRR is delivering positive change and accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

As the lead agency within the United Nations systemfor the coordination of disaster risk reduction, we use our authoritative expertise and presence in five regional offices to build and nurture relationships with national and local governments, intergovernmental organisations, civil society and the private sector.

Better decisions about riskrequire a deeper understanding of its complexities andrelationship with sustainable development.So we collect, collate, and share the latest high quality technical information and data about reducing risk and building resilience more effectively. Hundreds of experts work in ourscience and tech advisorygroups,  essential partners for governments and other stakeholders all over the world.

We work closely with countries to help them build and strengthen integrated systems to manage risk and implement evidence-based policies in a way that mainstreams DRR across all areas ofgovernanceat the local, national and regional levels. The development and roll-out of inclusive and accessiblemulti-hazard early warning systemsis a key part of this work. Such systems save lives: on average, when disaster strikes, fatality rates in countries without them are eight times higher than in countries that have put them in place. 

We regularly conveneglobal and regional eventsthat bring together partners, experts, country and community leaders to share their experiences and review progress on the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, a set of targets and action points designed to protect development gains from the risk of disaster.

Our work is also aimed at incentivising and accelerating bothpublic- and private-sector investment in DRR.This is necessary, achievable and makes good financial sense, especially when such funding is integrated with climate adaptation. 

UNDRR and the Sendai Framework

Implementing the SF - 3
Implementing the Sendai Framework
UNDRR has been tasked to support the implementation, follow-up and review of the Sendai Framework and coordinates action within the UN system around disaster risk reduction to make this happen.
Illustration of people working collaboratively in an office
UNDRR thematic work on DRR
The interactions between climate change trends, ecosystem fragility, disease outbreaks, rapid unplanned urbanization, mass displacement and geopolitical instability, fuelled by the interconnectivity of communications, trade, financial systems and politics, mean that shocks, stresses, and crises reverberate globally.

Learn more about UNDRR

Engage UNDRR

Gears in the hands of people against the sky.
Engage with UNDRR
Partnerships and all-of-society approaches lie at the heart of effective disaster risk reduction.
Women protesting
Our communications and advocacy campaigns call for taking action today to protect people and prevent disasters from happening.
WIN DRR Leadership Awards
DRR Awards
These awards not only celebrate exemplary contributions but also encourage efforts to build more resilient societies.
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Media centre
Access to a range of multimedia resources related to disaster risk reduction, including news releases, photos, videos, and other materials.

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