Democratic Republic of the Congo

The humanitarian crisis in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has significantly worsened since early 2022 due to a spike in violence, which has forced millions to flee their homes. The crisis is compounded by climate-related disasters and recurrent disease outbreaks.

In Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu provinces, the epicentre of the crisis, 5.5 million people are internally displaced, including 1.3 million women of reproductive age. An estimated 220,000 women are currently pregnant and 55,000 are expected to deliver in the next three months. Around 2,750 pregnant women will develop life-threatening complications and require access to emergency obstetric and newborn care.

Health infrastructure is poor, and women and girls’ access to life-saving reproductive health and protection services is severely constrained. Three women die every hour from pregnancy and birth-related complications, and maternal mortality rates are rising.

There has also been an alarming increase in sexual and gender-based violence, and food insecurity and the lack of livelihood opportunities have increased the risks of exploitation and abuse for women and adolescent girls.

UNFPA is scaling up its operations in eastern DRC, working with affected populations and partners to provide life-saving assistance to displaced women and girls as needs continue to grow. Essential medicines and supplies have been distributed to health facilities, and midwives and mobile teams have been deployed, to ensure women and girls can access maternal health services, including emergency obstetric and newborn care. Women and Girls’ Safe Spaces are being supported and expanded so that survivors of gender-based violence can access medical, psychosocial, legal and livelihood support. UNFPA is also working with women and adolescent girls as partners so that their needs are prioritized in the emergency response.

Updated 28 August 2023