• In this category we can find the following services:

    • Public Order and Safety
    • Military Services and National Defense
    • Security and Personal Safety
  • J - Services
    92000000 - National Defense and Public Order and Security and Safety Services
    92100000 - Public order and safety
    92101500 - Police services
    92101501 - Policing services
    92101600 - Fire services
    92101601 - Municipal or national firefighting services
    92101602 - Volunteer fire department services
    92101603 - Fire prevention services
    92101604 - Forest or wilderness firefighting services
    92101700 - Jail and prison system
    92101701 - Jail or prison or penitentiary services
    92101702 - Youth camps or facilities services
    92101703 - Half way house services
    92101800 - Court system
    92101900 - Rescue services
    92101901 - Search and rescue teams
    92101902 - Ambulance services
    92101903 - Life saving helicopter services
    92101904 - Lifeguard services for pool or beach
    92110000 - Military services and national defense
    92111500 - Maintenance of international peace and security
    92111501 - Dispute mediation or conciliation or negotiation or settlement
    92111502 - Peace keeping operations
    92111503 - Cease fire agreements or truce supervision
    92111504 - Fact finding missions
    92111505 - War prevention strategies
    92111506 - Counterterrorism
    92111507 - Embargoes
    92111600 - Disarmament
    92111601 - Arms limitations
    92111602 - Conventional arms disarmament
    92111603 - Nuclear freezes or disarmament
    92111604 - Weapons destruction
    92111605 - Disarmament negotiations or agreements
    92111606 - Mutual or balanced force reductions
    92111607 - Battle area clearance BAC service
    92111608 - Explosive ordnance disposal EOD service
    92111609 - Mine action center MAC or mine action coordination center MACC service
    92111610 - Post mine clearance inspection service
    92111611 - Demining post design service PDS
    92111612 - Demining preliminary development PD service
    92111613 - Mine victim or survivor assistance service
    92111615 - Mine Action and ERW: Risk Education
    92111616 - Mine Action and ERW: Advocacy
    92111700 - Military science and research
    92111800 - Military personnel and discipline
    92111900 - Military policy
    92112100 - Nuclear warfare
    92112400 - Armed conflicts and incidents
    92120000 - Security and personal safety
    92121500 - Guard services
    92121502 - Burglary protection services
    92121504 - Security guard services
    92121600 - Detective services
    92121601 - Detective agencies
    92121602 - Fingerprint services
    92121603 - Lie detection services
    92121604 - Private investigation services
    92121700 - Security systems services
    92121701 - Surveillance or alarm maintenance or monitoring
    92121702 - Fire alarm maintenance or monitoring
    92121708 - Biometric Security Systems
    92121709 - Human Security Screening System
    92121710 - Controlled Access Identification System
  • Statistics on Public Order, Security and Safety Services
    No procurements data found
  • Procurement Opportunities under Public Order, Security and Safety Services Category

    Search codes
  • Contract Awards under Public Order, Security and Safety Services Category

  • Samples of Specifications