The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs, transnational organized crime, terrorism and corruption. It is an organization with significant institutional memory expertise on the issues related to drugs and crime. UNODC contributes to global peace and security, human rights, and development by making the world safer from drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism by working with Member States to promote justice and the rule of law and build resilient societies.
UNODC in Afghanistan operates to identify and address aspects of the drug and crime situation in the country. This is done through evidence-based advocacy in the policy arena; providing reliable information on opium poppy cultivation, production, prices, and drug users; and through implementation in the field by providing effective alternative livelihoods to farmers dependent on poppy cultivation as well as drug demand and harm reduction support to people affected by drug dependence.

UNODC Strategy 2021-2025

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UNODC’s mission is to contribute to global peace and security, human rights and development by making the world safer from drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism. This Strategy for the next five years will equip UNODC to deliver effectively, efficiently and with accountability, elevating our support to Member States to build just, inclusive and resilient societies that leave no one behind.

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UNODC in Afghanistan

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As a spin-off of the Regional Office in South West Asia, based in Islamabad (Pakistan), in 1989 UNODC opened a satellite office in Peshawar (Pakistan) to carry out cross-border operations in Afghanistan. The Office of the Representative was established in Kabul in 1991 while the project office remained in Peshawar. Due to security concerns and civil war, the office was again relocated to Islamabad, Pakistan in 1992. With the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001 and the establishment of the Afghan Interim Government following the Bonn Agreement, the country office was reopened in Kabul in 2002 and has remained active ever since.


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Stories from Afghanistan

Learn about our work by reading interesting and relevant stories from the field related to alternative development, food security, drug use, drug treatment and drug prevention and other topics related to drugs and crime in Afghanistan.

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