The UNTOC Review Mechanism is a peer review process supporting States parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) and the Protocols thereto in the effective implementation of these instruments and helping them identify and substantiate specific needs for technical assistance and promoting international cooperation.

The Mechanism was established by theConference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime(UNTOC COP) at its ninth session held on 15-19 October 2018, through the adoption ofresolution 9/1to which theProcedures and Rules for the Functioning of the Mechanism were annexed.

The review process was launched through the adoption ofresolution 10/1at the tenth session of the UNTOC COP held in Vienna on 12-16 October 2020. In this resolution, the Conference inter alia adopted theself-assessment questionnairesfor the review of the implementation of UNTOC and its Protocols, theguidelinesfor conducting the country reviews and theblueprintsfor the lists of observations and their summaries. The Conference decided to launch the first phase of the review process in accordance with the thematic clusters of UNTOC and the Protocols and the multi-year workplan of the Mechanism appended to the Procedures and rules of the Mechanism.

In accordance with the Procedures and rules, the review process is composed of a general review that is undertaken in the plenary of the Conference of the Parties, and of country reviews that are conducted through desk reviews. TheWorking Groups of the Conference of the Parties to UNTOChave since 2022 added an item dedicated to the functioning of the review process to their agenda, consistent with their areas of expertise.

Status of the country reviews (as of 30 September 2024)
81 review are currently progressing, while 108 reviews have not started yet.

More information on the review process»

  • Procedures and rules (A-C-E-F-R-S)
  • Guidelines for conducting the country reviews (A-C-E-F-R-S)
  • Blueprint for the list of observations for country reviews (A-C-E-F-R-S)
  • Compilation of UNTOC Review Mechanism recommendations/observations (E)
Three pages of the Brochure on the UNTOC Review Mechanism
Overview & Timeline

The Mechanism was established by the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC), at its ninth session held on 15-19 October 2018.

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The Secretariat

The Secretariat of the Conference of the Parties to UNTOC also serves as the Secretariat of the Review Mechanism and plays a supporting and facilitating role throughout the review process.

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Country Pairings

Per each country review two reviewers are randomly assigned through a drawing of lots to each State party under review.

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Country Profiles

Profiles of each State Party to UNTOC that participates in the Review Mechanism with details of their participation in the process.

Country Profiles page »


The key documents, resolutions, tools and publications for engaging in the UNTOC Review Mechanism.

Resources page »


REVMODis a user-friendly browser-based secure portal that facilitates the entire country reviews process.

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Constructive Dialogues

The Constructive Dialogues are a unique opportunity for relevant stakeholders including non-governmental organizations, academia and the private sector to engage in the Mechanism.

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Frequently Asked Questions about the country review process, roles, REVMOD access, limits and deadlines.

Available in:



A playlist of all videos related to the UNTOC Review Mechanism.

YouTube Playlist »

The Global Programme for the UNTOC Review Mechanism is grateful for the generous support provided to date by the following donors:


[email protected]
substantive requests for support

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REVMOD technical support
