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The humanitarian situation in Yemen is dire and worsening, with over 18 million people, including 14 million women and children, affected by conflict, climate change, recurring disease and critical economic conditions.

Around 4.5 million people are internally displaced, many of whom live in camps. Despite a brief truce in 2022, which alleviated tensions and improved humanitarian access, thesituation remains dire and requires urgent action.

WFP's programmes support millions of people,delivering essential food to conflict-affected families, feeding schoolchildren, empowering women through training, and providing nutritional support to women and children in including in camps for internally displaced people.

WFP and partner UN agencies are calling forurgent and sustained international support and immediate actionto address the root causes of acute malnutrition, by strengthening existing social protection, health, food and water, sanitation, and hygiene systems. At the same time, peace is essential to reducing hunger and building people's resilience.

What the World Food Programme is doing in Yemen

Food assistance
WFP's primary focus is on targeted emergency food assistance, providing rations to food-insecure households across Yemen. WFP provides food through thousands of distribution points across the country.
WFP supports children and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls, through a moderate acute malnutrition treatment programme and a prevention of acute and chronic malnutrition programme. WFP also provides technical assistance and training in nutrition treatment to Ministry of Public Health and Population staff and community health volunteers.
School meals
Under the school feeding programme, WFP provides primary-school children with fortified date bars or fortified biscuits each day they attend school. WFP also runs a Healthy Kitchens project, providing locally sourced and freshly prepared school meals The programme supported close to 2 million children across 4,600 schools in 2023.
WFP manages the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service, which plays a crucial role in transporting humanitarian assistance and staff. The WFP-led Logistics Cluster strengthens coordination and logistics services, assisting 80 organizations in 2023. The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster, also led by WFP, provides essential telecommunications services, while on-demand services harness WFP's supply chain expertise to support the wider humanitarian and development community in Yemen on a cost-recovery basis.

Partners and donors

Achieving Zero Hunger is the work of many. Our work in Yemen is made possible by the support and collaboration of our partners and donors, including:
Australia Austria Belgium Bulgaria Canada



Diplomatic Area, Nowakshot Street, House No. 22 P.O. Box 7181 Sana'a - Republic of Yemen

+967 1 214 100
+967 1 205 515
For media inquiries