As a specialized agency of the United Nations, we are committed to working with developing and least developed countries to enable them to reap benefits from the IP system and to enhance their participation in the global innovation economy.
IP for Impact:discover how WIPO is supporting entrepreneurs, inventors and creators around the world
Development Agenda
TheDevelopment Agendaensures that development is taken into account at every step of our work. We do this through practical projects and activities, as well as by applying Organization-wide principles and objectives.
The Patent Information Initiative for Medicines (Pat-INFORMED) provides a service to the global health community, particularly those involved in procurement of medicines, by facilitating easy access to medicine patent information.
The Accessible Books Consortium (ABC) works within the IP system to increase the number of books worldwide in accessible formats and to make them available to the people who need them.
By connecting technology and service providers with those seeking innovative solutions WIPO GREEN serves as an interactive marketplace that promotes the spread of green technologies to combat climate change.
A secure, online platform to which authorized bodies in WIPO member states can upload details of websites or apps which have been determined to infringe copyright according to national rules.
Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) helps to improve the availability of scientific and technical information in developing countries.
Through Access to Specialized Patent Information (ASPI), eligible institutions in developing countries can access sophisticated patent data tools and services.