technical assistance and training

WTO TA Annual Report 2023

Technical Assistance (TA) is a core function of the WTO aiming to enhance human and institutional trade capacities in developing and least-developed Members and observers.

The TA success rate in 2023 reached 79%, marking a return to the performance level of the last three pre-pandemic years. This improvement in results was accompanied by an overall increase in the volume of activities and participation, with 16,095 participants trained in 301 activities. In 2023, WTO TA also maintained its efforts to integrate new technologies into the delivery of its activities and to transform its pedagogical approaches. This report highlights the achievements, efforts and challenges of TA during the year, mindful that the efforts and impact of technical assistance are best assessed over the long term and with a bird's eye view.

The full report is available and downloadablehere,while the brief version is availablehere.


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